America’s leftward lurch tied to changed views on sexual morality

America’s leftward lurch tied to changed views on sexual morality

Americans’ acceptance of [what was once widely considered] sexual immorality is growing, according to a Gallup report. When asked about the moral acceptability of a range of issues, five of the top six issues that saw an increase in acceptability were related to sexual morality. The largest increase in moral acceptability from 2001 to 2015 […]

Neighboring galaxy is same size as our own

Neighboring galaxy is same size as our own

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Petri Kehusmaa, Harlingten Atacama Observatory] Large spiral galaxy NGC 4945 is seen edge-on near the center of this cosmic galaxy portrait. In fact, NGC 4945 is almost the size of our own Milky Way Galaxy. Its own dusty disk, young blue star clusters, and pink star forming regions standout […]

Just looking at nature improves the human brain’s functionality

Just looking at nature improves the human brain’s functionality

While still relatively novel in the United States, so-called “green roofs” — urban rooftops covered with grasses, plants and other types of greenery — are becoming increasingly popular around the world. In France, newly built commercial rooftops must sport either greenery or solar panels, according to a recent law. Facebook, meanwhile, recently installed a massive […]

Jupiter’s largest moon poses with our solar system’s largest storm

Jupiter’s largest moon poses with our solar system’s largest storm

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Damian Peach/SEN] In this sharp snapshot, the Solar System’s largest moon Ganymede poses next to Jupiter, the largest planet. Captured on March 10 with a small telescope from our fair planet Earth, the scene also includes Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, the Solar System’s largest storm. In fact, Ganymede is […]

Cruz: If not for Dad’s conversion, ‘I would have been raised by a single mother’

Cruz: If not for Dad’s conversion, ‘I would have been raised by a single mother’

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced his presidential bid at Liberty University, a well-known conservative, Christian college founded by Jerry Falwell. It’s a testament to his faith and Southern Baptist roots that have kept him grounded throughout his life. “You know, when I was a young child, my parents were living up in Calgary,” […]

Even before Hubble magic, there was the magnificent Horsehead Nebula

Even before Hubble magic, there was the magnificent Horsehead Nebula

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Giuseppe Carmine Iaffaldano; Processing: Roberto Colombari] Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast Orion cloud complex. About five light-years “tall”, the dark cloud […]

Porn and ‘World of Warcraft’ video games ‘digitally rewire’ boys, cause ‘manhood meltdown’

Porn and ‘World of Warcraft’ video games ‘digitally rewire’ boys, cause ‘manhood meltdown’

A distinguished psychologist has argued in a recently published book that pornography and video games are leading young men into alarmingly high rates of “social isolation” and a “modern meltdown of manhood.” Dr. Philip Zimbardo, former president of the American Psychological Association and author of over 50 books, has stated that the two sources of […]

Red sunset from green Earth, blue sunset from red Mars

Red sunset from green Earth, blue sunset from red Mars

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Left Image: Damia Bouic; Right Image: NASA, JPL-Caltech] How different does sunset appear from Mars than from Earth? For comparison, two images of our common star were taken at sunset, one from Earth and one from Mars. These images were scaled to have same angular width and featured here […]