Engineer takes it upon himself to gear Earthlings up for space travel

Engineer takes it upon himself to gear Earthlings up for space travel

A self-proclaimed systems engineer, BTE Dan is the person behind Build the Enterprise, a website devoted to, well, building an actual, functional, space lasers ‘n all version of the USS Enterprise, the venerable pop-culture starship featured in the “Star Trek” film and television franchises. Estimated time frame? Twenty years. Suggested cost? $1 trillion. Proposed missions? […]

Indian official dispels UFO threat by talking it to death

Indian official dispels UFO threat by talking it to death

Defence Minister A.K. Antony Monday told parliament that India was monitoring all developments in the neighbourhood which could impinge on national security and made it clear that there was no conclusive proof of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) over the border with China. Antony was replying to a question in the Lok Sabha as to whether […]

Sandy: A hurricane with a paranormal twist

Sandy: A hurricane with a paranormal twist

Living through the experience of Super Storm of the Century Sandy will stay with me forever. I have lived on Long Island in New York floating in the Atlantic Ocean for most of my life. I have been through many bad storms including Nor Easters, large snow storms and hurricanes. Being on an Island in […]

Graham: America may need ‘economic collapse’ to return to God

Graham: America may need ‘economic collapse’ to return to God

Conservative Christian minister Franklin Graham has recently taken to multiple talk shows to speak on the re-election of President Barack Obama, saying that more Christians should have turned out to vote, and suggesting that America may need a “complete economic collapse” before turning to God. “God is in control, and if Christians are upset, they […]

Wind speed increases to 300 mph in Jupiter’s Great Spot as its radius decreases

Wind speed increases to 300 mph in Jupiter’s Great Spot as its radius decreases

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is as constant as the North Star. In other words, it only looks constant — its constancy depends on how long we watch it. … Last week John Rogers (British Astronomical Association) confirmed that the storm is still tightening its waistline. Rogers clocked the maelstrom’s rotation period by using images taken […]

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