‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean’

‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, December 23, 2024 WORDS OF LIFE Acts 11: 1-18 11 The apostles and the believers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. 2 So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him 3 and said, “You went into the house of uncircumcised men […]

Yale study found Covid spike protein in blood two years after receiving injections

Yale study found Covid spike protein in blood two years after receiving injections

Special to CosmicTribune.com, Dec. 22, 2024 The Covid spike protein was found in the blood of people up to two years after they received the Covid mRNA injection, a team of scientists at Yale University have found. The individuals in the study were never infected with Covid, antibody tests show. The immune system normally rapidly […]

Accountability? Independent media counter the Covid cabal’s powerful propaganda

Accountability? Independent media counter the Covid cabal’s powerful propaganda

Special to CosmicTribune.com, November 27, 2024 This is a story that needs to be pursued for as long as it takes. Will there ever be accountability? Will the Covid overlords in federal government, the politicians, and the “brought to you by Pfizer” legacy media who pushed a narrative that caused hundreds of thousands, if not […]

Stanford doctor challenged Covid lockdown: Wins Intellectual Freedom Award

Stanford doctor challenged Covid lockdown: Wins Intellectual Freedom Award

Special to CosmicTribune.com, October 29, 2024 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University who received death threats and was blacklisted by social media for challenging the feds’ narrative on the Covid lockdown, has been awarded the American Academy of Sciences and Letters’ top intellectual freedom award. The academy presents its annual Robert […]

‘Crimes against humanity’: Naomi Wolf cites Pfizer’s

‘Crimes against humanity’: Naomi Wolf cites Pfizer’s

Special to CosmicTribune.com, October 23, 2024 Naomi Wolf said that because her grandparents lost eight siblings in the Holocaust, she didn’t use the language “crime against humanity” lightly. However, in an interview with The Defender published on Oct. 21, Wolf emphasized that given what Pfizer knew about the damage to human health caused by the […]

In retrospect, was President Trump right? Could hydroxychloroquine have been a ‘game-changer’?

In retrospect, was President Trump right? Could hydroxychloroquine have been a ‘game-changer’?

Special to CosmicTribune.com, September 12, 2024 In the early stages of the Covid pandemic, President Donald Trump and senior adviser Peter Navarro arranged for the donation of 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to America’s strategic drug stockpile. The Trump administration began securing the HCQ in March 2020, after Trump, on the advice of his […]

RFK, Jr.: ‘I reached my decision through deep prayer, through hard-nosed logic’

RFK, Jr.: ‘I reached my decision through deep prayer, through hard-nosed logic’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 26, 2024 Sixteen months ago, in April 2023, I launched my campaign for President of the United States. I began this journey as a Democrat. The party of my father and my uncle, the party which I pledged my own allegiance to long before I was old enough to vote. I attended […]

Tim Walz, his transhumanist health commissioner and pig-human organs in Minnesota

Tim Walz, his transhumanist health commissioner and pig-human organs in Minnesota

Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 20, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 When we told you these people are actually Satanists, we really meant it. But, please, decide for yourself. Kamala Harris running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz aggressively pushed the experimental gene therapy falsely labeled as a vaccine on children as young as five during […]

Shock interview: ‘Americans are getting sicker, infertile and life expectancy is going down’

Shock interview: ‘Americans are getting sicker, infertile and life expectancy is going down’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 18, 2024 In a new interview with independent journalist Tucker Carlson, brother and sister whistleblowers Calley and Casey Means detail how Big Pharma has co-opted government agencies and the food industry in order to keep Americans sick and in need of medication. “These subtle, insidious forces that are creating slow progressive […]

Out in the open for all to see: Pride Month’s corporate-backed Satanism

Out in the open for all to see: Pride Month’s corporate-backed Satanism

Special to CosmicTribune.com, June 23, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 This is not going to be an upbeat article. It is about child abuse, prostitution, communism, a virulent hatred of Christianity, and death. Happy Pride Month, America. Here’s something that got completely shut out of the overheated 24-hour news cycle. In April, a team […]

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