The news leaks out at Yahoo: Covid vaccines tied to 3 million excess deaths

The news leaks out at Yahoo: Covid vaccines tied to 3 million excess deaths

Special to, June 7, 2024 “Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.” Disinformation? Yahoo News editors on June 4, 2024 felt free to publish a story by The Telegraph which cited researchers from the Netherlands who analyzed data from 47 Western countries […]

The top story of May 30, 2024 was not really the conviction of Donald Trump . . .

The top story of May 30, 2024 was not really the conviction of Donald Trump . . .

Special to, May 30, 2024 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headlines: ‘Journalists’ celebrate betraying public, selling out to Gates-Soros-Ford-Rockefeller . . . which was already a foregone conclusion, as detailed here and here. There must have been momentous developments today, May 30, 2024 on planet Earth, but we are at a loss to say what they were. […]

Are intelligence agencies ruling the United States?

Are intelligence agencies ruling the United States?

Special to, May 9, 2024 How can the FBI continue to get away with operations that appear to violate the laws it is charged with upholding? Since the days of J Edgar Hoover, the FBI has been rumored to be blackmailing top officials in the U.S. government. So you can have three strikes and […]

Is the logical extension of individualism American ‘transhumanism’?

Is the logical extension of individualism American ‘transhumanism’?

Special to, May 2, 2024 The progression of unguided American liberalism or “liberation from collective identity” is set to destroy “human identity,” Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin told Tucker Carlson on April 29. Dugin said that the progress of the LGBTQ movement was “a necessary element of implementation and the victory of this liberal ideology. […]

Information War update: George Soros controls once free press which threatened global agenda

Information War update: George Soros controls once free press which threatened global agenda

Special to, April 25, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 George Soros is not trying to control the big-box media apparatus. He already controls it. His latest moves are simply about consolidating his position of dominance. News item: The notorious nation-destroying progressive globalist billionaire is busy buying up the U.S. radio dial: In February, […]

‘You cannot cure [child] predators’; Bill would set death penalty for pedophilia

‘You cannot cure [child] predators’; Bill would set death penalty for pedophilia

Special to, April 12, 2024 Because “you can’t rehabilitate a child predator,” Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna said she is introducing legislation to increase the minimum penalty for child sexual abusers to life in prison or the death penalty. “One of my big platforms has been: how do you combat child trafficking, just […]

What a communist revolution looks like, from inside the United States of America

What a communist revolution looks like, from inside the United States of America

Special to, March 26, 2024 Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root Our country is on the verge of so many bad things. A “communist color revolution” is going on right now, complete with censorship, weaponization of government against our own citizens, witch hunts and “communist show trials” (see President Donald Trump and Jan. 6 prisoners/hostages). […]

The war on hydroxychloroquine: Documentary tracks ‘unholy’ Covid response

The war on hydroxychloroquine: Documentary tracks ‘unholy’ Covid response

Special to, February 23, 2024 The new documentary “Epidemic of Fraud” focuses primarily on hydroxychloroquine and the scandals surrounding questionable clinical trials for the Covid injections. “These clinical trials and accompanying negative media coverage were used to frighten the public away from a class of ancient medications based on quinine. Restriction of access to […]

Analyst: How privatizing the Internet led to ‘military rule’ in the United States

Analyst: How privatizing the Internet led to ‘military rule’ in the United States

Special to, February 17, 2024 [Editor’s Note: Since 2017, independent media platforms saw proprietary and quantitative evidence that their audience share and “reach” were being arbitrarily limited and in some cases aggressively suppressed. While there were clues as to how this happened from whistleblowers and James O’Keefe reports, powerful government and “Big Tech” forces […]

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