The unreported Marxist upbringing of Kamala Harris and her Marxist-fueled rise to power

The unreported Marxist upbringing of Kamala Harris and her Marxist-fueled rise to power

Special to, July 25, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 Though she certainly understands the advantages to be gained from the misperception, Kamala Harris does not pretend to be African American in the same way that Fauxcahontas Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) posed as Native American. For the installed vice president who now appears set […]

U.S. officials dismissed child trafficking warnings when placing unaccompanied illegal minors

U.S. officials dismissed child trafficking warnings when placing unaccompanied illegal minors

Special to, July 10, 2024 Higher-ups in the Biden administration repeatedly overrode the concerns of lower-level workers who warned about placing unaccompanied illegal alien minors in sketchy households, a report said. In many cases, recommendations to reject a proposed guardian for illegal minors were overturned “because of clerical errors or issues such as missing […]

Death of life: West adopting euthanasia as a basic human ‘right’

Death of life: West adopting euthanasia as a basic human ‘right’

Special to, June 30, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 This is not merely an account of the state of things in Justin Trudeau’s Canada but a preview of what is right around the corner here in America today. On June 25, Delaware became the latest state to allow “physician-assisted dying,” otherwise known as […]

Out in the open for all to see: Pride Month’s corporate-backed Satanism

Out in the open for all to see: Pride Month’s corporate-backed Satanism

Special to, June 23, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 This is not going to be an upbeat article. It is about child abuse, prostitution, communism, a virulent hatred of Christianity, and death. Happy Pride Month, America. Here’s something that got completely shut out of the overheated 24-hour news cycle. In April, a team […]

Ten Commandments comeback? Louisiana requires in all public school, university classrooms

Ten Commandments comeback? Louisiana requires in all public school, university classrooms

Special to, June 20, 2024 Louisiana Republican Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday signed legislation that will require the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school and university classroom in the state. The bill reads: “History records that James Madison, the fourth President of the United States of America, stated that ‘(w)e have staked […]

Jesus explains God’s family values to the religious elites of his age

Jesus explains God’s family values to the religious elites of his age

Special to, June 2, 2024 WORDS OF LIFE Mark 10: 1-16 Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds of people came to him, and as was his custom, he taught them. 2 Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful […]

Is the logical extension of individualism American ‘transhumanism’?

Is the logical extension of individualism American ‘transhumanism’?

Special to, May 2, 2024 The progression of unguided American liberalism or “liberation from collective identity” is set to destroy “human identity,” Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin told Tucker Carlson on April 29. Dugin said that the progress of the LGBTQ movement was “a necessary element of implementation and the victory of this liberal ideology. […]

Who you gonna call to keep your children safe?

Who you gonna call to keep your children safe?

Special to, April 22, 2024 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headlines: CBS asked Alejandro Mayorkas to explain how ‘to keep your children safe?’ and PA student charges school ignored her warning of trans student’s hit list How to keep children and grandchildren safe in 2024 is a much different challenge now than what most would have thought […]

Welcome to the ethics-free, brave new world of medicine

Welcome to the ethics-free, brave new world of medicine

Special to, April 18, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55 If you think today’s Big Pharma-controlled establishment doctors are a problem, consider for a moment what is bound to follow in our ethics-free medical Brave New World. Physicians in recent decades have shrugged off the Hippocratic Oath (do no harm) with the ease of […]

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