The sky, July 21-28

The sky, July 21-28

Special to, July 22, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, JULY 21 ■ This evening you’ll find that the low Moon forms a huge, nearly vertical line with Altair about three fists above it and Vega the same distance above Altair, near the zenith. ■ Look a finger-width at arm’s length above Altair for its […]

The sky, July 8-14: First quarter Moon occults Spica

The sky, July 8-14: First quarter Moon occults Spica

Special to, July 8, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, JULY 8 ■ Hercules crosses the zenith these evenings. And in the western edge of the Hercules Keystone, how many times have you pointed a scope at old friend M13, the great globular cluster? You do that not just because it’s one of the finest globulars in […]

The sky, June 17-23; Happy Solstice on the 20th

The sky, June 17-23; Happy Solstice on the 20th

Special to, June 17, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, JUNE 17 ■ Have you ever knowingly seen even a bit of the constellation Centaurus? Famous Alpha Centauri never gets above the horizon unless you’re as far south as San Antonio or Orlando (latitude 29° N). But fairly easy from much farther north is Theta Centauri, […]

The sky, June 9-16: Saturn re-emerges at dawn, rings edge-on

The sky, June 9-16: Saturn re-emerges at dawn, rings edge-on

Special to, June 9, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, JUNE 9 ■ The Big Dipper has now swung around to hang down by its handle high in the northwest after dark. The middle star of its handle is Mizar, with tiny little Alcor right next to it. On which side of Mizar should you […]

The sky, May 27 – June 2

The sky, May 27 – June 2

Special to, May 27, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, MAY 27 ■ With the Moon gone from the evening sky, can you see the big, dim Coma Berenices star cluster? Does your light pollution really hide it, or do you just not know exactly where to look? It’s southwest of the zenith these evenings, 2/5 of the […]

The sky, May 19-26: Full Moon occults Antares on May 23

The sky, May 19-26: Full Moon occults Antares on May 23

Special to, May 19, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, MAY 19 ■ The Moon continues to illuminate Virgo’s part of the sky. Early this evening look about 3° or 4° lower left of the Moon for Spica, Virgo’s brightest star. By midnight the Moon moves closer to Spica, which then will be directly to […]

The sky, May 12-19: How old are the stars we can see?

The sky, May 12-19: How old are the stars we can see?

Special to, May 12, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, MAY 12 ■ The thickening crescent Moon shines just left of Pollux this evening. About twice as far to their right, Castor lies nearly on the same line. MONDAY, MAY 13 ■ After dark, use binoculars or a good finderscope to look 3° lower left of […]

The sky, April 28 – May 5: Jupiter sets for the season

The sky, April 28 – May 5: Jupiter sets for the season

Special to, April 28, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, APRIL 28 ■ Hydra’s dim, irregular body and tail stretch all the way to Libra just risen in the southeast. He carries Crater and Corvus on his back. Below Crater, in Hydra’s most southerly part, is the new 12th-magnitude supernova in the 10th-magnitude galaxy NGC […]

The sky, March 25-31: Jupiter, Mercury and on March 30, Comet Pons-Brooks

The sky, March 25-31: Jupiter, Mercury and on March 30, Comet Pons-Brooks

Special to, March 25, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, MARCH 24 ■ If you haven’t spotted Mercury yet this season, look for it lower right of Jupiter as twilight fades as shown below. Jupiter is magnitude –2.1. Mercury this evening is magnitude –0.1, meaning one sixth as bright. And that’s not counting the extra […]

The sky: March 19-17, featuring the Moon and Jupiter on the 13th

The sky: March 19-17, featuring the Moon and Jupiter on the 13th

Special to, March 9, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SATURDAY, MARCH 9 ■ Sirius is the overwhelmingly brightest star of Canis Major. In a very dark sky the Big Dog’s realistic stick figure is fairly plain to see — the dog is in profile, prancing to the right on his hind legs, with Sirius as […]

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