Uncensored: Trump speech reached all Americans and much of the world

Uncensored: Trump speech reached all Americans and much of the world

Special to CosmicTribune.com, July 19, 2024 President Donald J. Trump accepted the nomination on Night 4 of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In a riveting address that provided at the outset a personal and detailed recounting of the tragic events of July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania, Trump paid tribute to slain  fireman […]

The sky, May 12-19: How old are the stars we can see?

The sky, May 12-19: How old are the stars we can see?

Special to CosmicTribune.com, May 12, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, MAY 12 ■ The thickening crescent Moon shines just left of Pollux this evening. About twice as far to their right, Castor lies nearly on the same line. MONDAY, MAY 13 ■ After dark, use binoculars or a good finderscope to look 3° lower left of […]

Space fusion power makes Solar System more accessible

Space fusion power makes Solar System more accessible

Special to CosmicTribune.com, April 3, 2024 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher A key determinant for future geostrategic space power will be speed, the ability to access distant destinations more rapidly than opponents. Chemical engines dependent on kerosene, methane and oxygen are very slow compared to the potential of nuclear fission propelled engines, that could halve the […]

How U.S. responded to Russia’s nuclear space threat damaged its credibility

How U.S. responded to Russia’s nuclear space threat damaged its credibility

Special to CosmicTribune.com, February 20, 2024 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher Last week, the Biden Administration sparked a crisis by warning without openly/publicly explaining that Russia was close to placing nuclear weapons in space, but then damaged its credibility as leader of the free world by trying to walk back the same threat. This crisis emerged […]

‘Birds of a feather’: Colorado justice, Archibald Cox, Jr., Soros and the ‘malicious betrayal’ of America

‘Birds of a feather’: Colorado justice, Archibald Cox, Jr., Soros and the ‘malicious betrayal’ of America

Special to CosmicTribune.com, December 21, 2023 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 In a despicable attack on the representative government that Democrats so enjoy pretending to champion, the Colorado Supreme Court on Dec. 19 in a 4-3 decision ruled that former President Donald Trump is disqualified from the state’s 2024 electoral ballot due to the Constitution’s […]

In challenge to Elon Musk, Lockheed Martin set to show off nuclear space power by 2027

In challenge to Elon Musk, Lockheed Martin set to show off nuclear space power by 2027

Special to CosmicTribune.com, November 15, 2023 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher Look out Elon Musk, your “cheese” is about to be moved by the beginning of nuclear space power, and defense prime Lockheed Martin is making serious investments in the development of this technology. Paraphrasing Spencer Johnson’s 1998 classic millennial business book Who Moved My Cheese, […]

Is Russia losing relevance to China’s Moon program?

Is Russia losing relevance to China’s Moon program?

Special to CosmicTribune.com, October 10, 2023 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher It took much Chinese persuading but by 2020 to 2021 it was becoming increasingly clear that Russia was ready to dump its space partnership with the United States and Western space agencies for a new partnership with China. Space cooperation between the former Cold War […]

Cosmic View, September 20, 2023; ‘Deepfakes,’ virtual surreality and the ‘father of lies’

Cosmic View, September 20, 2023; ‘Deepfakes,’ virtual surreality and the ‘father of lies’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, September 20, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline:  U.S. intel report warns of expanded and AI-enhanced ‘deepfakes’ The first paragraph of the above article states: Intelligence operatives have long used manipulated media to disseminate disinformation during conflict. No kidding! Conflict? As in the day-to-day war of Ideas that has been raging since the […]

Cosmic View, August 11, 2023: Albert Einstein and the man who posed as ‘science’

Cosmic View, August 11, 2023: Albert Einstein and the man who posed as ‘science’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 11, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: Anthony Fauci’s Deceptions Dr. Anthony Fauci, the highest paid U.S. bureaucrat who helped shepherd the nation and the world into a lockdown that corrupted the medical profession, upended the global economy, cost countless lives and ended the transformative administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is also […]

God put the one he trusted to Satan’s test; As the Creator He is unimpressed talk

God put the one he trusted to Satan’s test; As the Creator He is unimpressed talk

Special to CosmicTribune.com, May 29, 2023 WORDS OF LIFE Job 1 8 Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” 9 “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 […]

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