The sky, July 21-28

The sky, July 21-28

Special to, July 22, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, JULY 21 ■ This evening you’ll find that the low Moon forms a huge, nearly vertical line with Altair about three fists above it and Vega the same distance above Altair, near the zenith. ■ Look a finger-width at arm’s length above Altair for its […]

The sky, June 29-July 7

The sky, June 29-July 7

Special to, June 30, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SATURDAY, JUNE 29 ■ Right at nightfall, look for the Big Dipper hanging straight down in the northwest. Its bottom two stars, the Pointers, point to the right toward modest Polaris, the end of the Little Dipper’s handle, due north. SUNDAY, JUNE 30   If you […]

The sky, June 24-30: Arcturus and Vega dominate the summer nights

The sky, June 24-30: Arcturus and Vega dominate the summer nights

Special to, June 24, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, JUNE 24 ■ After dark look south for orange Antares, “the Betelgeuse of summer,” nearing the meridian. (Both are 1st-magnitude “red” supergiants). Around and upper right of Antares are the other, whiter stars of upper Scorpius, forming their distinctive pattern. ■ Also right after dark, spot […]

The sky, April 5-14: Get ready for the Solar Eclipse on April 8

The sky, April 5-14: Get ready for the Solar Eclipse on April 8

Special to, April 6, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. FRIDAY, APRIL 5 ■ Shortly after nightfall around this time of year, Arcturus, the bright Spring Star climbing in the east, stands just as high as Sirius, the brighter Winter Star descending in the southwest (for skywatchers at mid-northern latitudes). These are the two brightest stars in […]

The sky: February 18-25; Venus and Mars in close conjunction early on the 22nd

The sky: February 18-25; Venus and Mars in close conjunction early on the 22nd

Special to, February 18, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 ■ Canopus, the second-brightest star after Sirius, happens to lie almost due south of Sirius: by 36°. That’s far enough south that it never appears above your horizon unless you’re below latitude 37° N (southern Virginia, southern Missouri, central California). And near there, you’ll […]

The sky: February 4-11; Subtle sights in the mid-winter nights

The sky: February 4-11; Subtle sights in the mid-winter nights

Special to, February 4, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Today is the center of winter; we cross the midpoint between the December solstice and the March equinox at 10:16 a.m. EST (15:16 UT). That minute is the very bottom of the wheel of the year, astronomically speaking. In ancient Gaelic cultures this day […]

The sky: January 22-28; Full moon and springtime Leo in the East

The sky: January 22-28; Full moon and springtime Leo in the East

Special to, January 22, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, JANUARY 22 ■ The gibbous Moon shines in a starry area of the winter sky. Face east in early evening. Upper left of the Moon sparkles bright Capella. A little farther upper right of the Moon is orange Aldebaran. Lower left of the Moon are Castor […]

The sky: January 7-14; Featuring the Milky Way this week

The sky: January 7-14; Featuring the Milky Way this week

Special to, January 8, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 ■ Sirius and Procyon in the balance. Sirius, the Dog Star, sparkles low in the east-southeast after dinnertime. Procyon, the Little Dog Star, shines in the east about two fists at arm’s length to Sirius’s left. ■ On Monday morning the 8th, the waning crescent […]

The sky: December 26 – January 1; Venus, a bright ‘morning star’ at -4.0 magnitude

The sky: December 26 – January 1; Venus, a bright ‘morning star’ at -4.0 magnitude

Special to, December 26, 2023, 2023 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 ■ Full Moon tonight (exact at 7:33 p.m. EST). Now shining above the feet of Gemini in the evening, the Moon forms a deeper triangle with Capella and Aldebaran than it did last night. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27 ■ As the stars come out, face due […]

The sky: December 4-10; Earliest sunset on December 7

The sky: December 4-10; Earliest sunset on December 7

Special to, December 4, 2023, 2023 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4 ■ Last-quarter Moon tonight (exact at 12:49 a.m. EST). The Moon rises around 11 or midnight local time. By the time Tuesday’s dawn begins to break the Moon is high in the south. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5 ■ At this time of year the Big Dipper […]

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