The sky, May 12-19: How old are the stars we can see?

The sky, May 12-19: How old are the stars we can see?

Special to, May 12, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, MAY 12 ■ The thickening crescent Moon shines just left of Pollux this evening. About twice as far to their right, Castor lies nearly on the same line. MONDAY, MAY 13 ■ After dark, use binoculars or a good finderscope to look 3° lower left of […]

The sky, March 25-31: Jupiter, Mercury and on March 30, Comet Pons-Brooks

The sky, March 25-31: Jupiter, Mercury and on March 30, Comet Pons-Brooks

Special to, March 25, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, MARCH 24 ■ If you haven’t spotted Mercury yet this season, look for it lower right of Jupiter as twilight fades as shown below. Jupiter is magnitude –2.1. Mercury this evening is magnitude –0.1, meaning one sixth as bright. And that’s not counting the extra […]

The sky: March 19-17, featuring the Moon and Jupiter on the 13th

The sky: March 19-17, featuring the Moon and Jupiter on the 13th

Special to, March 9, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SATURDAY, MARCH 9 ■ Sirius is the overwhelmingly brightest star of Canis Major. In a very dark sky the Big Dog’s realistic stick figure is fairly plain to see — the dog is in profile, prancing to the right on his hind legs, with Sirius as […]

The Sky, November 13-19: Cassiopeia, Orion and the winter sky

The Sky, November 13-19: Cassiopeia, Orion and the winter sky

Special to, November 13, 2023, 2023 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13 ■ Perseus is high in the northeast these November evenings, below W-shaped Cassiopeia. The W is standing on end. To find the famous Double Cluster in Perseus, count down the segments of the W starting from the top. The third segment points almost […]

The Sky: November 6-11: Double clusters and double stars

The Sky: November 6-11: Double clusters and double stars

Special to, November 6, 2023, 2023 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 ■ Perseus is high in the northeast these November evenings. The Perseus Double Cluster is below W-shaped Cassiopeia; the W is currently standing on end. Count down the segments of the W starting from the top. The third segment points almost straight down. […]

The Sky: September 11-17; Comet Nishimura visible with binoculars

The Sky: September 11-17; Comet Nishimura visible with binoculars

Special to, September 11, 2023 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 ■ You can see in the stars that the season is changing: We’ve reached the time of year when, just as the stars come out, Cassiopeia has climbed as high in the northeast as the Big Dipper has sunk in the northwest. Cas stands […]

The sky: July 16-23

The sky: July 16-23

Special to, July 17, 2023 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, JULY 16 ■ The tail of Scorpius is low due south after dark, to the lower right of the Sagittarius Teapot. Look for the two stars especially close together in Scorpius’s tail. These are Lambda and fainter Upsilon Scorpii, known as the Cat’s Eyes. […]

Those spectacular James Webb Space Telescope images: Real or fake?

Those spectacular James Webb Space Telescope images: Real or fake?

Analysis by, July 21, 2022 What are we to make of the new images ostensibly from the James Webb Space Telescope? “These aren’t photographs. They are data visualizations!” noted Tim Fernholz in a report for Quartz. So are we to take these spectacular presentations on faith and the word of the Biden White House […]

The magnificent Orion nebula, powered by Trapezium, and observable by small telescopes

The magnificent Orion nebula, powered by Trapezium, and observable by small telescopes

March 12, 2017 [CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Christoph Kaltseis, CEDIC 2017] Near the center of this sharp cosmic portrait, at the heart of the Orion Nebula, are four hot, massive stars known as the Trapezium. Tightly gathered within a region about 1.5 light-years in radius, they dominate the core of the dense Orion […]

The magnificent Horsehead Nebula with a hat tip to the 23-year-old Hubble Space Telescope

The magnificent Horsehead Nebula with a hat tip to the 23-year-old Hubble Space Telescope

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) While drifting through the cosmos, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud became sculpted by stellar winds and radiation to assume a recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is embedded in the vast and complex Orion Nebula (M42). A potentially rewarding […]

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