Out in the open for all to see: Pride Month’s corporate-backed Satanism

Out in the open for all to see: Pride Month’s corporate-backed Satanism

Special to CosmicTribune.com, June 23, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 This is not going to be an upbeat article. It is about child abuse, prostitution, communism, a virulent hatred of Christianity, and death. Happy Pride Month, America. Here’s something that got completely shut out of the overheated 24-hour news cycle. In April, a team […]

Columnist: He’s no saint, but the ‘Chosen One’ will defeat the ‘evil, powerful deep state’

Columnist: He’s no saint, but the ‘Chosen One’ will defeat the ‘evil, powerful deep state’

Special to CosmicTribune.com Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, June 12, 2024 A new song and music video is out this week, poised to become the theme song for the legend and greatest of all time known as President Donald J. Trump. The controversial new song and music video declares President Trump as “the Chosen One.” […]

The news leaks out at Yahoo: Covid vaccines tied to 3 million excess deaths

The news leaks out at Yahoo: Covid vaccines tied to 3 million excess deaths

Special to CosmicTribune.com, June 7, 2024 “Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.” Disinformation? Yahoo News editors on June 4, 2024 felt free to publish a story by The Telegraph which cited researchers from the Netherlands who analyzed data from 47 Western countries […]

The top story of May 30, 2024 was not really the conviction of Donald Trump . . .

The top story of May 30, 2024 was not really the conviction of Donald Trump . . .

Special to CosmicTribune.com, May 30, 2024 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headlines: ‘Journalists’ celebrate betraying public, selling out to Gates-Soros-Ford-Rockefeller . . . which was already a foregone conclusion, as detailed here and here. There must have been momentous developments today, May 30, 2024 on planet Earth, but we are at a loss to say what they were. […]

Eden restored: The leaves of the Tree of Life ‘are for the healing of the nations’

Eden restored: The leaves of the Tree of Life ‘are for the healing of the nations’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, May 20, 2024 WORDS OF LIFE Eden Restored Revelations 22: 1-21 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of […]

U.S. funded gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab NIH admits; Claims ‘it poses no threat or harm’

U.S. funded gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab NIH admits; Claims ‘it poses no threat or harm’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, May 18, 2024 A top official at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has admitted under oath that U.S. taxpayer money was used to fund dangerous gain-of-function research at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in the months and years ahead of the Covid pandemic. NIH principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak made the […]

Welcome to the ethics-free, brave new world of medicine

Welcome to the ethics-free, brave new world of medicine

Special to CosmicTribune.com, April 18, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55 If you think today’s Big Pharma-controlled establishment doctors are a problem, consider for a moment what is bound to follow in our ethics-free medical Brave New World. Physicians in recent decades have shrugged off the Hippocratic Oath (do no harm) with the ease of […]

Warning from Europe: In the eyes of global elite ruling class, ‘everything must change’

Warning from Europe: In the eyes of global elite ruling class, ‘everything must change’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, April 15, 2024 Across Europe in recent month, massive numbers of farmers have been protesting about high taxes, climate alarmism, and cheap imported goods, among other things. But Dutch Member of European Parliament Rob Roos, in an interview with The Highwire, said the larger picture shows that the incredibly disconnected global elite […]

‘Denounce the conspiracy of an authority openly subservient to Satan’

‘Denounce the conspiracy of an authority openly subservient to Satan’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, April 2, 2024 On the holiest weekend for Christianity, Joe Biden declared March 31 as the “Transgender Day of Visibility.” Biden’s X account stated: “I have a simple message to all trans Americans: I see you. You are made in the image of God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.” In […]

‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world!’

‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world!’

Special to CosmicTribune.com, March 29, 2024 By Bill Federer, March 29, 2024 Excerpts from American Minute Christianity is the largest religion in the world, around a third of the Earth’s population, and since Easter is the most important day to Christians, this day could possibly be considered the most important day in the world! … […]

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