The sky, Jan. 6-12: The Moon in the Pleiades on the 9th

The sky, Jan. 6-12: The Moon in the Pleiades on the 9th

Special to, January 6, 2025 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, JANUARY 6 ■ First-quarter Moon (exactly first-quarter at 6:56 p.m. EST). Find the Great Square of Pegasus to the Moon’s upper right shortly after dark, and directly right of the Moon later. A diagonal through the Square points at the Moon (for evening in North America). […]

The sky, Dec. 8-15

The sky, Dec. 8-15

Special to, December 9, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 ■ First-quarter Moon (exact at 10:27 a.m. EST on this date). The Moon shines upper left of Saturn this evening, as shown above. ■ After darkness is complete, can you make out the dim Circlet of Pisces less than a fist-width above the […]

The sky, Dec. 2-8, featuring M31, the Andromeda Galaxy

The sky, Dec. 2-8, featuring M31, the Andromeda Galaxy

Special to, December 3, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 ■ Two faint fuzzies naked-eye. The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Perseus Double Cluster are two of the most famous deep-sky objects. They’re both cataloged as 4th magnitude, and in a moderately good sky you can see each with the unaided eye. Binoculars make them easier. […]

The sky, Nov. 25-Dec. 1, starring the Andromeda Galaxy and Perseus Double Cluster

The sky, Nov. 25-Dec. 1, starring the Andromeda Galaxy and Perseus Double Cluster

Special to, November 25, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25 ■ The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Perseus Double Cluster are two of the most famous deep-sky objects. They’re both cataloged as 4th magnitude, and in a fairly good sky you can see each with the unaided eye. Binoculars make them easier. Did you […]

The sky, Nov. 3-10: Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Friday

The sky, Nov. 3-10: Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Friday

Special to, November 4, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 ■ If you know a place with a very low view to the southwest horizon, bring binoculars after sunset to try for the very thin crescent Moon close to Antares. They’re deep in the bright twilight and thick air near the horizon! Look […]

The sky, Sept. 30-Oct. 7

The sky, Sept. 30-Oct. 7

Special to, September 29, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 ■ Face south and look high these evenings after dark. The brightest star there is Altair, the southernmost point of the Summer Triangle. The other two are Deneb and Vega more nearly overhead. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 ■ The starry W of Cassiopeia stands high […]

The sky, Sept. 22-29: Fall is here

The sky, Sept. 22-29: Fall is here

Special to, September 22, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 ■ Goodbye to summer — at last! Today is equinox day. Earth passes the September equinox point in its orbit at 8:44 a.m. EDT (12:44 UT). This is when the Sun, in its six-month journey south, crosses the celestial equator — and equivalently, […]

The sky, August 18-25: Blue Moon and supermoon on Monday

The sky, August 18-25: Blue Moon and supermoon on Monday

Special to, August 19, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 ■ Whenever bright Vega shines nearest your zenith, as it does right after dark now. Two hours later, when Deneb passes the zenith, it’s the turn of little Delphinus and boat-shaped Capricornus down below it to stand at their highest due south. After […]

The sky, July 28-Aug. 3: Open clusters M6 and M7 in the South

The sky, July 28-Aug. 3: Open clusters M6 and M7 in the South

Special to, July 29, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SATURDAY, JULY 27 ■ Last-quarter Moon (exact at 10:52 p.m. EDT). The Moon, in Pisces, rises around 11 or midnight tonight below the head of Andromeda and the Great Square of Pegasus. SUNDAY, JULY 28 ■ Starry Scorpius is sometimes called “the Orion of Summer” — […]

The sky, July 21-28

The sky, July 21-28

Special to, July 22, 2024 Excerpts from weekly Sky&Telescope report. SUNDAY, JULY 21 ■ This evening you’ll find that the low Moon forms a huge, nearly vertical line with Altair about three fists above it and Vega the same distance above Altair, near the zenith. ■ Look a finger-width at arm’s length above Altair for its […]

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