Death of life: West adopting euthanasia as a basic human ‘right’

Death of life: West adopting euthanasia as a basic human ‘right’

Special to, June 30, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer  @Schaeff55 This is not merely an account of the state of things in Justin Trudeau’s Canada but a preview of what is right around the corner here in America today. On June 25, Delaware became the latest state to allow “physician-assisted dying,” otherwise known as […]

God and Humanity, the Love Story

God and Humanity, the Love Story

Special to, June 10, 2024 WORDS OF LIFE The core of the universe is human beings, and the core of human beings is life. The root of life is love, and the root of love is God, but this love cannot be realized by someone all alone. You need a relationship with a partner to realize love. As God […]

Cosmic View, August 23, 2023: Only true believers know that men have walked on the Moon

Cosmic View, August 23, 2023: Only true believers know that men have walked on the Moon

Special to, August 23, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: ‘India is on the Moon’: Success following Russia’s crash landing puts pressure on China Is India’s space vehicle really on the moon and did live Americans really shuffle through lunar dust with their boots? Real journalists are obliged to independently verify information they publish. How […]

Cosmic View, August 11, 2023: Albert Einstein and the man who posed as ‘science’

Cosmic View, August 11, 2023: Albert Einstein and the man who posed as ‘science’

Special to, August 11, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: Anthony Fauci’s Deceptions Dr. Anthony Fauci, the highest paid U.S. bureaucrat who helped shepherd the nation and the world into a lockdown that corrupted the medical profession, upended the global economy, cost countless lives and ended the transformative administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is also […]

Satellite data: No global warming for more than 8 years

Satellite data: No global warming for more than 8 years

Special to, May 16, 2023 There has been no increase in global temperatures from July 2015 to March 2023, according to satellite readings, a recent analysis said. “This fact-based claim draws on satellite readings from the University of Alabama in Huntsville that measure temperatures in the troposphere, a much more accurate method of keeping […]

Targeting human reproduction? What Pfizer documents released under court order revealed

Targeting human reproduction? What Pfizer documents released under court order revealed

Special to, September 21, 2022 Thousands of formerly internal Pfizer documents released under court order show that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines “target human reproduction in comprehensive, likely irreversible ways,” Naomi Wolf noted in a Sept. 18 report. Wolf said a team of 3,250 research volunteers from the War Room/DailyClout poured over the Pfizer documents, […]

‘No climate emergency’: Greenpeace abandoned science for ‘political fundraising’

‘No climate emergency’: Greenpeace abandoned science for ‘political fundraising’

Special to, September 15, 2022 The co-founder of Greenpeace said leftists who have hijacked the environmental movement are “primarily focused on creating narratives, stories, that are designed to instill fear and guilt into the public so the public will send them money.” “Greenpeace was ‘hijacked’ by the political left when they realized there was […]

WHO deems God wrong on gender based on ‘new scientific evidence,’ ‘conceptual progress’

WHO deems God wrong on gender based on ‘new scientific evidence,’ ‘conceptual progress’

Special to, July 14, 2022 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. — Genesis 5: 1-2 […]

How Google’s search engine indeed deceives and ‘harms’

How Google’s search engine indeed deceives and ‘harms’

Special to, April 29, 2022 Commentary by Richard N. Madden, April 26, 2022 “Don’t be evil” is Google’s corporate motto and ostensibly the driving ethos behind the company’s decisions since its inception in the early 2000s. However, Google has been quietly distancing itself from this promise as the reality of its power over the […]

How to counter the rapacious quasi-religion of Communism

How to counter the rapacious quasi-religion of Communism

Special to, April 25, 2022 In his podcast, national security correspondent Bill Gertz provides a deep dive into the rigid, ideological core of the Chinese Communist Party’s hell-bent quest for global domination and advocates a truth-based alternative rooted in the existence of God.