Special to CosmicTribune.com, March 1, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55 “The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” – St. Athanasius, Council of Nicea, 325 AD. That spirited quote can be applied to all those who are elevated to positions of great importance. People who by their duties of high office […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, February 23, 2024 The new documentary “Epidemic of Fraud” focuses primarily on hydroxychloroquine and the scandals surrounding questionable clinical trials for the Covid injections. “These clinical trials and accompanying negative media coverage were used to frighten the public away from a class of ancient medications based on quinine. Restriction of access to […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, January 11, 2024 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headlines: Border crisis: Poll finds 6 in 10 see it as ‘invasion’ and … Biologist to Tucker Carlson: Data suggest 17 million have died from Covid injections The lack of spontaneity. That is what characterizes the reality behind the above two unrelated headlines. For decades, biased […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, December 28, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headlines: Thai princess in coma after third Pfizer Covid booster China’s Chairman Xi: Thou shalt not speak ill of the Chinese Communist economy Reuters blames Muslims’ slaughter of 140 Nigerian Christians on climate change The above three stories separately address issues of incalculable consequence for humanity […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, November 16, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: San Francisco welcomes alleged bioterrorist as conquering hero Revelations 6:4 — A second horse went out. It was fiery red, and its rider was given permission to take peace away from the earth and to make people slaughter one another. So he was given a large […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, October 20, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: Report: Police detective found half of sudden infant deaths occurred soon after vaccination From the above story: “A former police detective claimed that about half of the sudden infant death cases she investigated showed the child had received a vaccination in the previous 48 hours. In […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, October 16, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: Died suddenly: 8-year-old boy used in Covid vax promotional ad [An 8-year-old boy featured in a video used to promote Covid shots for children in Israel died after suffering a sudden heart attack.] Matthew 8:1-7 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, October 13, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: Lost in the fog of war “The first casualty of war is the truth.” The origin of this quote is in dispute, but when crimes against humanity launch a military conflict level-headed assessments, objective reporting and the correct overriding world view typically get trampled by […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 28, 2023 A U.S. Navy medical officer is going public with data from a Pentagon medical database showing a spike in the rate of myocarditis and other ailments in the military in 2021 after the rollout of the Covid shots, a report said. Lt. Ted Macie, an active-duty Navy Medical Service […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 22, 2023 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headline: Just in time: Cases of new Covid ‘variant’ spiking as another round of ‘vaccines’ is introduced Once in a great while, the headline tells the whole story. But the context of this story is much greater and arguably apocalyptic. The great Wuhan virus of 2019 […]