Space view of warm Sochi

Space view of warm Sochi

The 2014 Winter Olympics officially began with an extravagant opening ceremony in Sochi, Russia, today (Feb. 7), and even NASA has embraced the spirit of the games with striking new satellite views of Olympic sites from orbit. The newly released photos of Sochi Winter Olympics venues from space were captured by a NASA instrument on the Earth-watching […]

Sinless IRS? President Obama claims agency under investigation is absolutely pure

Sinless IRS? President Obama claims agency under investigation is absolutely pure

There was “not even a smidgen of corruption” at the Internal Revenue Service, President Barack Obama said Sunday regarding the scandal involving the targeting of conservative groups. If that is true, reporters and Republican members of Congress are asking, why is there an ongoing FBI investigation into the scandal? And why is the FBI refusing […]

What our own Milky Way looks like from the side

What our own Milky Way looks like from the side

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), Hubble Space Telescope;  Robert Gendler] This gorgeous island universe, cataloged as NGC 2683, lies a mere 20 million light-years distant in the northern constellation of the Cat (Lynx). NGC 2683 is seen nearly edge-on in this cosmic vista combining data and images from the ground-based Subaru […]

‘Nebraska’: A Korean War veteran with his own stubborn take on the real American dream

‘Nebraska’: A Korean War veteran with his own stubborn take on the real American dream

Two hit movies nominated this year for Academy Awards have something in common:  Both films mock the con game that passes for the modern American dream and both uphold the transcendent importance of the emotional ties that bind members of an immediate family. The fact that such films could be made in Hollywood gives a […]