Special to CosmicTribune.com, October 3, 2024

In Saturday’s UFC main event in Paris, Brazil’s Renato Moicano pummeled Frenchman Benoit Saint Denis so badly that the octagon-side physician stopped the fight after the second round.
In his post-fight interview, Moicano let loose with an epic blow against globalists, beginning with an attack on French President Emmanuel Macron and a book suggestion for the audience:
“First of all French, I come here and I wanted to talk a lot of sh*t about France but I went to the Louvre, I went to the Arc de Conquiste [Sic], I went to all beautiful places in Paris and I just have one thing to say: people from France don’t suck but government in France is horrendous. French Revolution 1789 try to erase God from the map but guess what Jesus Christ is alive more today than ever […]
“Globalists–they’re trying to push a a political corrupt agenda. If you want to learn about politics and economy I advise you read Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe and I hope you understand that democracy is a fallacy. Democracy is not the real government so please read Hoppe and understand why the world is going crazy like that today.”
The book Moicano mentioned, which argues that democracy leads to increasing state control and the erosion of individual liberty, was the #1 best seller in political philosophy on Sunday.
That was the worst defeat for France ???????? since Dien Bien Phu.
Renato Moicano ???????? beats Benoit St. Denis blind and then tells the French crowd to read Hans-Hermann Hoppe. #UFCParis pic.twitter.com/8NTAUWk1jZ
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) September 28, 2024
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