What if the Orlando murderer were a Christian?

What if the Orlando murderer were a Christian?

June 13, 2016 Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Many people are surely asking, “What if the gunman from the Orlando, Florida shooting were a Christian?” The most obvious difference is that the media and the Democrats would have blamed Christians for the mass slaughter, whereas they do everything in their power to exonerate Muslims. Indeed, […]

Guarding the ‘Unknowns’ 24/7, ‘no matter the weather’, honors ‘real sacrifices

Guarding the ‘Unknowns’ 24/7, ‘no matter the weather’, honors ‘real sacrifices

May 29, 2016 Producers of the documentary “The Unknowns,” which releases on Memorial Day, have given us a reminder that the national holiday is not just another day off. “Memorial Day comes around every year, and unless you know someone who was killed fighting for our country it becomes just a nice day off,” producer […]

Admitting to his own intolerance on Facebook, a liberal is dumbfounded by the response

Admitting to his own intolerance on Facebook, a liberal is dumbfounded by the response

When liberal journalists come out and confess their bias, it’s tempting to say, “The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.” … Writing at the New York Times recently, columnist Nicholas Kristof took that hard first step. The title of his piece says it all: “A Confession of Liberal Intolerance.” “We progressives,” […]

Targeted: CEO denies plunging sales caused by boycott over bathroom policy

Targeted: CEO denies plunging sales caused by boycott over bathroom policy

Target’s shares are plunging in an “increasingly volatile consumer environment,” though the retail giant is denying that the conservative boycott against its transgender bathroom policies is playing a big part. “Shares of the company were off 7.6 percent at $68 as of 4 p.m. trading on Wednesday. Sales at stores open at least a year […]

Glenn Beck: If Matt Drudge is mocking ‘people who believe in divine providence . . . we are done’

Glenn Beck: If Matt Drudge is mocking ‘people who believe in divine providence . . . we are done’

Glenn Beck: Good God, he’s doing it again… This is the front page again? … Let me just say this: Please, I beg of you — not for Ted Cruz… but for our country — Please fast and pray. We were losing the Civil War until Abraham Lincoln called for a day of fasting, prayer, and […]

Rise of ‘idiocracy’: It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times

Rise of ‘idiocracy’: It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As of tonight, we may know if Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential candidate. And, barring unforeseeable events, it is certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Those are two reasons — of many, unfortunately — why, other than the first years of the Civil War, when […]

Prince’s dealer: Doctor’s ignorance of his addiction to opiates may have killed him

Prince’s dealer: Doctor’s ignorance of his addiction to opiates may have killed him

Prince’s former drug dealer . . . [“Doctor D”] said the musician, who he described as ‘majorly addicted’, regularly bought drugs from him between 1984 and 2008. The dealer, often to the stars, said Prince suffered crippling stage fright and could not get on stage and perform without the drugs [highly addictive opioid pain killers] […]

Help wanted: World is getting worse, but this time America won’t save it

Help wanted: World is getting worse, but this time America won’t save it

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager I cannot imagine any thinking person who does not believe the world is getting worse. The number of slaughtered and the number of refugees from slaughter is immense and growing. Islamic State now controls territories from Afghanistan to West Africa. Libya is in the process of being added to that […]

Vicar of Baghdad: ‘It’s not just Iraq that’s falling apart, it’s society’

Vicar of Baghdad: ‘It’s not just Iraq that’s falling apart, it’s society’

Canon Andrew White, who was the only Anglican Vicar in Iraq when the Islamic State terrorist organization rose to power in Iraq and Syria, [said] that Muslims, Christians and Jews need to work together to support the persecuted refugee communities in the Middle East and combat extremist ideologies that are causing society to “fall apart.” […]

Should the West simply surrender to ISIL and the ‘religion of peace’?

Should the West simply surrender to ISIL and the ‘religion of peace’?

Special to WorldTribune.com By Alexander Maistrovoy “France is at war,” President Francois Hollande said after ISIL attack (as if it had not happened before – 9/11, Madrid in 2004, London in 2005, Boston in 2003, Marathon bombing, countless acts of terrorism in Israel, Russia, Kenya, Nigeria, and finally “Charlie Hebdo”). Hollande is awakened from a […]

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