Iran trusts ‘gospel’ of Barnabas find will bring down Christianity

Iran trusts ‘gospel’ of Barnabas find will bring down Christianity

A leather-bound religious text, thought to date from the fifth century but discovered only 12 years ago, will cause the collapse of Christianity worldwide, Iran has claimed. The book, written on animal hide, was confiscated during an anti-smuggling operation in Turkey’s Mediterranean region in 2000. Turkish authorities believe it could be an authentic version of […]

Graham: Today’s secularism ‘is . . . anti-Christ’

Graham: Today’s secularism ‘is . . . anti-Christ’

WASHINGTON — Franklin Graham, son of American evangelist Billy Graham, said Sunday the state of world affairs could be construed as the end of days. Graham made his comments on ABC’s “This Week with Christiane Amanpour.” Asked if Easter is about sacrifice or love, Graham said it’s about both. “It’s all of that,” Graham said. […]

Goodness theory

By Hal McKenzie   Jan. 28, 2003 Several science articles that have appeared on the Web lately suggest that an air of almost religious fervor is sweeping the scientific world. With the application of computer science, also known as cybernetics, to biology, physics, and social science, scientists are in effect coming to grasp the reality of […]

Founders saw existence of God as one of the ‘self-evident’ truths

Founders saw existence of God as one of the ‘self-evident’ truths

  By Hal McKenzie   March 31, 2004  The Supreme Court last week took up the question of whether the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance are unconstitutional. The suit was brought by atheist Michael Newdow, who argues that the words must be deleted because they are offensive to atheists.  “It’s indoctrinating children,” he […]

Revelation: Banks do ‘God’s work’

Revelation: Banks do ‘God’s work’

LONDON (Reuters) – The chief executive of Goldman Sachs, which has attracted widespread media attention over the size of its staff bonuses, believes banks serve a social purpose and are doing “God’s work.”   In an interview with London’s Sunday Times newspaper, Lloyd Blankfein also said he believed big profits and bonuses at banks were […]

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