Louisiana man weighs race for Congress because there’s ‘no God’ in Washington

Louisiana man weighs race for Congress because there’s ‘no God’ in Washington

BATON ROUGE, La. — A nephew of “Duck Dynasty’s” Phil Robertson says he is running for the Louisiana congressional seat held by Vance McAllister, who was elected with the TV family’s support and later was wrapped up in scandal when video surfaced showing him kissing a married staffer. Zach Dasher, a 36-year-old Republican who has […]

Apocalypse fatigue: Climate insanity is taking its toll

Apocalypse fatigue: Climate insanity is taking its toll

The climate change crusaders, who have been at it for a quarter-century, appear to be going clinically mad. Start with the rhetorical monotony and worship of authority (“97 percent of all scientists agree!”), add the Salem witch trial-style intimidation and persecution of dissenters, and the categorical demand that debate about science or policy is over […]

Ex-Muslim: A pastor’s nightmarish conversion experience

Ex-Muslim: A pastor’s nightmarish conversion experience

Just three weeks after arriving in the United States from Kuwait, Naeem Fazal was at his brother’s house … ready to get some sleep. Fazal, who was still a Muslim when he relocated to South Carolina following the devastating Gulf War, returned that night from attending a campus ministry event with his Christian brother. He […]

Spiritual leaders call for new American ‘Great Awakening’

Spiritual leaders call for new American ‘Great Awakening’

WASHINGTON — Some religious leaders say America is facing a spiritually dark time. “At the root of America’s problem, we really have a spiritual cancer that’s been eating away at our nation,” Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland, told CBN News. Retired Gen. Jerry Boykin, … now working with […]

Sarah Palin mocks media: ‘Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits . . . You can’t probe a woman like that’

Sarah Palin mocks media: ‘Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits . . . You can’t probe a woman like that’

Sarah Palin on Monday mocked the media and liberals for the way they reacted to Republican strategist Karl Rove’s recent questions about the health of Hillary Rodham Clinton…[:] “Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are right – scouring records of a female candidate is just politics of personal destruction, and […]

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