Cruz: If not for Dad’s conversion, ‘I would have been raised by a single mother’

Cruz: If not for Dad’s conversion, ‘I would have been raised by a single mother’

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced his presidential bid at Liberty University, a well-known conservative, Christian college founded by Jerry Falwell. It’s a testament to his faith and Southern Baptist roots that have kept him grounded throughout his life. “You know, when I was a young child, my parents were living up in Calgary,” […]

Some U.S. vets are returning to Iraq as Christian warriors

Some U.S. vets are returning to Iraq as Christian warriors

DAHUK, Iraq — In a smoky living room in a makeshift military headquarters, Brett, a former U.S. serviceman with tattoos of Jesus etched on his forearms, explained: . . . “Jesus tells us what you do unto the least of them, you do unto me,” said the 28-year-old from Detroit who served an extended tour […]

Huckabee: Obama is anti-Christian but has ‘undying support’ for Muslims

Huckabee: Obama is anti-Christian but has ‘undying support’ for Muslims

Former Baptist pastor and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee … said that President Barack Obama has shown an “undying support” for Muslims, while his actions are against Christians and Jews. Huckabee’s criticism stems from last week’s National Prayer Breakfast, where Obama used the Crusades as an example of Christians doing “terrible acts” in the name of […]

Pope warns Vatican: Forgetting the central role of service causes ‘spiritual Alzheimer’s’

Pope warns Vatican: Forgetting the central role of service causes ‘spiritual Alzheimer’s’

Pope Francis has spoken out against the “sickness” of greed and lust for power at the Vatican in his annual Christmas speech, warning that senior officials forgetting the importance of serving God is a sign of “spiritual Alzheimer’s.” The pope’s direct words left many clerics at the gathering “uncomfortable,” according to observers. “A Curia that […]

Christian ministers call for ‘nuanced analysis’ in ‘national conversation’ on Ferguson

Christian ministers call for ‘nuanced analysis’ in ‘national conversation’ on Ferguson

“None of us really knows exactly what happened in the Ferguson shooting. Sadder is that even many Christ followers don’t seem to want to know,” posted Pastor James MacDonald, founding and senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel based in the Chicago area. “What we appear to prefer is lining up without nuanced analysis entirely on […]

‘Devil … tries to divide’: Pope calls for unity among believers

‘Devil … tries to divide’: Pope calls for unity among believers

Divisions among Christians “hurt the Church and they wound Christ,” Pope Francis said to tens of thousands of visitors gathered in Saint Peter’s Square Wednesday morning. During her journey through history, “the Church is tempted by the devil who tries to divide it,” the Pope said, and unfortunately, “she has been marred by serious and […]

Whatever happened to: ‘Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain?’

Whatever happened to: ‘Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain?’

The name of Jesus Christ was recently on the tongue of one of the world’s most famous Buddhists, Tiger Woods. The champion golfer had just stretched his long arms and readied his powerful shoulders for what he hoped would be a Tiger-classic shot on the 18th hole at the British Open. His mind was riveted […]

A Sudanese mother’s courage inspired millions of Christian women

A Sudanese mother’s courage inspired millions of Christian women

Meriam Ibrahim, arrested last August in Sudan and sentenced to death after being accused by family members of apostasy and adultery, was not only pressured to recant her Christian faith and thereby nullify her marriage, but was kept in shackles while giving birth to her second child in prison. “I am a Christian and I […]

Yes non-believers, does exist, and that’s for damn sure

Yes non-believers, does exist, and that’s for damn sure

H.G. Wells “I am not a believer, but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history. Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history.” George Washington “Religion is as necessary to reason, as reason is to religion… A reasoning being would […]