Louisiana man weighs race for Congress because there’s ‘no God’ in Washington

Louisiana man weighs race for Congress because there’s ‘no God’ in Washington

BATON ROUGE, La. — A nephew of “Duck Dynasty’s” Phil Robertson says he is running for the Louisiana congressional seat held by Vance McAllister, who was elected with the TV family’s support and later was wrapped up in scandal when video surfaced showing him kissing a married staffer. Zach Dasher, a 36-year-old Republican who has […]

Sarah Palin mocks media: ‘Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits . . . You can’t probe a woman like that’

Sarah Palin mocks media: ‘Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits . . . You can’t probe a woman like that’

Sarah Palin on Monday mocked the media and liberals for the way they reacted to Republican strategist Karl Rove’s recent questions about the health of Hillary Rodham Clinton…[:] “Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are right – scouring records of a female candidate is just politics of personal destruction, and […]

As old soldiers fade away, here come robots that ‘perform more ethically’

As old soldiers fade away, here come robots that ‘perform more ethically’

The Office of Naval Research will award $7.5 million in grant money over five years to university researchers from Tufts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Brown, Yale and Georgetown to explore how to build a sense of right and wrong and moral consequence into autonomous robotic systems. “Even though today’s unmanned systems are ‘dumb’ in comparison to […]

If world is down with bearded drag queen’s Eurovision win, Russia isn’t

If world is down with bearded drag queen’s Eurovision win, Russia isn’t

[Drag Queen] Conchita Wurst’s Eurovision win has been branded “the end of Europe” by Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. … Elsewhere, President Vladimir Putin’s vice premier Dmitry Rogozin issued a scathing tweet claiming the Eurovision result “showed supporters of European integration their European future – a bearded girl”. … Her selection had already proved controversial, with […]

Why it’s too early to say Left won the Culture War

Why it’s too early to say Left won the Culture War

1. While judges are legalizing gay marriage, Christianity is making a major comeback in the free market of  entertainment. 2. While pot is being legalized in a few states, the pro-abortion movement is on its heels in a majority of states and in opinion polls. 3. While television shows become more sex-driven, elsewhere on television […]

Targeted: CEO denies plunging sales caused by boycott over bathroom policy

Targeted: CEO denies plunging sales caused by boycott over bathroom policy

Target’s shares are plunging in an “increasingly volatile consumer environment,” though the retail giant is denying that the conservative boycott against its transgender bathroom policies is playing a big part. “Shares of the company were off 7.6 percent at $68 as of 4 p.m. trading on Wednesday. Sales at stores open at least a year […]