Another case of mass demonic possession reported in Peru

Another case of mass demonic possession reported in Peru

Almost 100 schoolchildren are thought to have been ‘possessed’ by the devil – and see visions of a man in black trying to kill them. In what has been described as a mass case of demonic possession, the pupils in Peru are experiencing seizures alongside their horrifying halluncinations. Experts have struggled to explain the strange […]

Prepping for doomsday is big business

Prepping for doomsday is big business

The apocalypse has become big business. And it’s getting bigger every day. In the ’50s, homeowners fearing Communist attacks built bunkers in their backyards and basements, hung up a few “God Bless Our Bomb Shelter” signs and called it a Cold War. But today, Americans en masse are again preparing for the worst—and Communists are […]

Glenn Beck: If Matt Drudge is mocking ‘people who believe in divine providence . . . we are done’

Glenn Beck: If Matt Drudge is mocking ‘people who believe in divine providence . . . we are done’

Glenn Beck: Good God, he’s doing it again… This is the front page again? … Let me just say this: Please, I beg of you — not for Ted Cruz… but for our country — Please fast and pray. We were losing the Civil War until Abraham Lincoln called for a day of fasting, prayer, and […]

10,000 Pakistani Muslims accept Jesus in one night

10,000 Pakistani Muslims accept Jesus in one night

Senior Pastor Anwar Fazal from Eternal Life Ministries (ELM) in Pakistan arranges a big Healing Crusade every Wednesday in Lahore, and thousands of People attend every week in Lahore. It is reported as the biggest Healing Meetings in Pakistan by far.  … At one rally in Pakistan 10,000 Muslims accepted Christ in one night, and […]

Rise of ‘idiocracy’: It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times

Rise of ‘idiocracy’: It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times

Special to Dennis Prager As of tonight, we may know if Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential candidate. And, barring unforeseeable events, it is certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Those are two reasons — of many, unfortunately — why, other than the first years of the Civil War, when […]

‘Mindfulness’ seen as alternative treatment for depression

‘Mindfulness’ seen as alternative treatment for depression

Therapy based on the controversial concept of ‘mindfulness’ works as well as some anti-depressant drugs, according to a major new study. Inspired in part by Buddhist philosophy, mindfulness involves training the brain to deal with negative emotions using techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and yoga. Some critics have claimed mindfulness techniques can bring on […]

Prince’s dealer: Doctor’s ignorance of his addiction to opiates may have killed him

Prince’s dealer: Doctor’s ignorance of his addiction to opiates may have killed him

Prince’s former drug dealer . . . [“Doctor D”] said the musician, who he described as ‘majorly addicted’, regularly bought drugs from him between 1984 and 2008. The dealer, often to the stars, said Prince suffered crippling stage fright and could not get on stage and perform without the drugs [highly addictive opioid pain killers] […]

Social media gods: More powerful than an all-powerful government?

Social media gods: More powerful than an all-powerful government?

Special to The late 19th century was a period known as “the Gilded Age” in America … as Andrew Carnegie, a steel magnate, and the oil baron John D Rockefeller … wielded massive power through business, political efforts and philanthropy. Yet even Carnegie, whose ruthlessness earned him a reputation as a “robber baron”, would […]

God finding home in Godless China

God finding home in Godless China

Officially, the People’s Republic of China is an atheist country but that is changing fast as many of its 1.3 billion citizens seek meaning and spiritual comfort that neither communism nor capitalism seem to have supplied. Christian congregations in particular have skyrocketed since churches began reopening when Chairman Mao’s death in 1976 signalled the end […]

‘He was in the world . . . yet the world did not know him’

‘He was in the world . . . yet the world did not know him’

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light […]

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