The top-secret warplanes of Area 51

The top-secret warplanes of Area 51

Stealth jets? Hypersonic bombers? What’s really being developed at the military’s most famous classified base? On a trip to las vegas in 2004, observing from my east-facing hotel room in the pyramidal Luxor Hotel at daybreak, I watched a fleet of six unmarked 737s make commuter flights to nowhere. These aircraft depart every weekday morning from […]

An ancient building block of life

Astronomers have long assumed that organic molecules — compounds fundamental to life — were among the primary components available to build the solar system. Now they have physical evidence to support this idea.  The smoking gun comes from measurements of the famed Tagish Lake meteorite. The bolide, whose fragments fell to Earth on January 18, […]

Astronomers still wondering about the ‘Star of Wonder’

Astronomers have proposed a variety of sources over the years for the Christmas star — comets, a supernova or a grouping of planets. The actual astronomical events of the time suggest a solution, according to Griffith Observatory astronomer John Mosley. Mosley’s 1987 book “The Christmas Star” examines the sky during the time frame that historians […]

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