Cosmic View, August 16, 2023: Integrity and patriotism are rare, treasured attributes

Special to, August 16, 2023


Today’s headline: Assassinated candidate had exposed ex-president: ‘Ecuador has been a colony of China since 2007

Thank you Fernando Villavicencio.

A journalist and presidential candidate who had denounced communist China’s influence and confiscation of Ecuador’s natural resources was assassinated during a shootout on Aug. 9.

Fernando Villavicencio, 59, who was slated to be on the ballot for the Aug. 20 presidential election alongside seven other contenders, was shot dead as he was leaving a campaign rally in Quito.

A media professional driven into exile for his exposes and who then returned to run for president before paying the ultimate price is a tragedy.

At a time when authoritarian forces appear unchallenged in China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and even in the United States of America, this man who confronted such forces and gave his life for his country inspires all to measure up to that standard.

Martyrdom is not the ideal end for any human life. But it is a reminder of the high price that was paid for the blessings we have enjoyed while letting them slip away, one compromise at a time.

This column assumes as hypotheticals the substantial existence of God on Earth and the temporary reign of Satan as the “god of this world”. References: Holy Bible, Divine Principle, What I Saw at the Second Coming.

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