‘They remain scared to death of you’: Rush Limbaugh’s prophetic words, days before his death

Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 3, 2023, 2023

On one of his final broadcasts, conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh warned that the Democrat regime in the D.C. Swamp would move to indict former President Donald Trump to stop him from a 2024 election victory and a return to the White House.

Following his latest indictment, Trump posted on Truth Social:

The latest Fake “case” brought by Crooked Joe Biden & Deranged Jack Smith will hopefully be moved to an impartial Venue, such as the politically unbiased nearby State of West Virginia! IMPOSSIBLE to get a fair trial in Washington, D.C., which is over 95% anti-Trump, & for which I have called for a Federal TAKEOVER in order to bring our Capital back to Greatness. It is now a high crime embarrassment to our Nation and, indeed, the World. This Indictment is all about Election Interference!!!

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