Author of ‘Beyond the Sphere’: I had to ‘get my story out’

Special to, March 10, 2022

Born and raised in New York City, Alfred Stefan Guart had “encounters with the Divine” as a young man that changed him forever but were “concealed in my mind and heart for the past 40 years.”

After succeeding in journalism at the New York Post and CBS News, in business and most of all in life with a joyful marriage and family, the time had come to tell his story:

“The reasons for this long silence are many. There is the immensity of direct contact with the Architect of Life, which is overwhelming and transformative. … How much time would it take to fully grasp receiving $1 billion from a stranger who vanishes? How simply and quickly can we grasp the meaning of a child’s birth or the sudden loss of a loved one? …

Not a day has gone by when I haven’t tried to make sense of it, to work it into my little life, to figure out why and how it happened. Every day I long for another Divine spiritual embrace and pray for everyone to experience it.”

— from ‘Beyond The Sphere‘ by Alfred Stefan Guart

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