With so many new demands in modern life, we just keep increasing our hectic pace: Emails and texts, tweets, Facebook, friends and the list goes on, many of us feel stressed out and over-worked. More often than we’d like to admit there is just not enough time in the day to get everything we want […]
We all know that walking is good for, that’s no real secret, and we all know that dogs and pets are uplifting in your all over health, so why not double it! Walking you dog everyday is good for you and them, easiest things you can do for your health, it lowers your blood pressure […]
A new study shows that not only does meditation changes your brain patterns it may also improve your mental focus and cognitive performance. The study showed that people who regularly practice meditation may altering brain functions and increase their with mental focus and attention span. We’ve heard for years that meditation is good for you, […]