God’s promise after the flood and a Sept. 10, 2015 photo

God’s promise after the flood and a Sept. 10, 2015 photo

Photos showing a rainbow appearing to originate from the World Trade Center on the eve of Sept. 11 are quickly being shared online as they elicit emotional responses from admirers [and call to mind God’s promise after the flood not to destroy humanity ever again, Genesis 9:11]. Ben Sturner, CEO of sports marketing company Leverage […]

Conscientious objector to gay marriage jailed in Kentucky until she bows to court order

Conscientious objector to gay marriage jailed in Kentucky until she bows to court order

A county clerk in Kentucky has been found guilty of contempt and sent to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples due to her own religious objections. Kim Davis, the clerk at Rowan County who garnered national attention for refusing to issue the marriage licenses, was found in contempt of court Thursday […]

Megachurch preacher invites Donald Trump to private ‘prayer service’

Megachurch preacher invites Donald Trump to private ‘prayer service’

Republican presidential contender and celebrity billionaire Donald Trump will meet privately with a group of Christian leaders at the behest of Florida megachurch pastor and prosperity preacher Paula White. The Wall Street Journal reported that news Wednesday, citing public relations executive Sheila Withum, who said she received an invitation to the gathering, composed of “selected […]

Pope Francis: Antichrist or just working to prevent the ultimate religious war?

Pope Francis: Antichrist or just working to prevent the ultimate religious war?

If you type “is Pope Francis antichrist” into Google, you’ll get about 425,000 results in .37 seconds. … So why do so many people think—or at least ponder—that the Latin American pontiff is the Antichrist (or at least the end-time False Prophet mentioned in Revelation 19:20)? It could be for some of the same reasons […]

Fewer people believe in God and almost no one really believes in Satan . . . except the Pope

Fewer people believe in God and almost no one really believes in Satan . . . except the Pope

Pope Francis seems to be obsessed with the devil. His tweets and homilies about the devil, Satan, the Accuser, the Evil One, the Father of Lies, the Ancient Serpent, the Tempter, the Seducer, the Great Dragon, the Enemy and just plain “demon” are now legion. Many modern people may greet the Pope’s insistence on the […]

Trump: I’m a Christian but haven’t sought forgiveness; Yes, the U.S. ‘absolutely’ has a Muslim problem

Trump: I’m a Christian but haven’t sought forgiveness; Yes, the U.S. ‘absolutely’ has a Muslim problem

[Donald Trump says he’s not sure if he’s asked God for forgiveness, at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa on Saturday, which led some to question the sincerity of his alleged Christian faith.] Below are six facts about Donald Trump and his professed Christian faith.   1. Speaking to CBN News in May, Donald […]

Crowd-funding campaigns for Christian firms targeted by gay lobby shut down by policy change

Crowd-funding campaigns for Christian firms targeted by gay lobby shut down by policy change

More than $210,000 has been raised in support of the Oregon Christian bakers who are being forced by the state to pay $135,000 in “emotional damages” to a lesbian couple for declining to bake them a wedding cake in 2013, an act that would have violated their deeply-held religious convictions. Although an online fundraiser established […]

Orthodox lead surge as global Jewish population reaches pre-Holocaust levels

Orthodox lead surge as global Jewish population reaches pre-Holocaust levels

Some 70 years after the liberation of Nazi death camps in Eastern Europe, the worldwide Jewish population will soon meet and exceed, for the very first time, pre-Second-World-War levels, a report issued by the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) has revealed. There were approximately 16 millions Jews living worldwide in 1939, the year Germany invaded […]

Americans’ faith in organized religion falls from No. 1 to below the police

Americans’ faith in organized religion falls from No. 1 to below the police

Americans have less confidence in organized religion today than ever measured before — a sign that the church could be “losing its footing as a pillar of moral leadership in the nation’s culture,” a new Gallup survey finds. “In the ’80s the church and organized religion were the No. 1″ in Gallup’s annual look at […]

Cruz: If not for Dad’s conversion, ‘I would have been raised by a single mother’

Cruz: If not for Dad’s conversion, ‘I would have been raised by a single mother’

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced his presidential bid at Liberty University, a well-known conservative, Christian college founded by Jerry Falwell. It’s a testament to his faith and Southern Baptist roots that have kept him grounded throughout his life. “You know, when I was a young child, my parents were living up in Calgary,” […]

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