God’s worldview replaced by the Left’s moral dogma

God’s worldview replaced by the Left’s  moral dogma

August 8, 2016 Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Pope Francis made comments last week that reveal the most important single thing you need to know about the modern world: The most dynamic religion of the last hundred years has been Leftism. Not Christianity, and not Islam, but Leftism. Leftism has taken over the world’s leading […]

Forty-five years ago, July 31 . . .

Forty-five years ago, July 31 . . .

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Apollo 15, USGS, NASA] On July 31, 1971, Apollo 15 astronauts Jim Iwrin and Dave Scott deployed the first Lunar Roving Vehicle on the Moon. Using it to explore their Hadley-Apennine landing site they spent nearly three days on the Moon while Al Worden orbited above. This digitally stitched […]

Billy Graham’s son corrects the Pope on the cause of Islamic terrorism

Billy Graham’s son corrects the Pope on the cause of Islamic terrorism

Aug. 2, 2016 In a public show of “fraternal correction,” celebrated evangelist Franklin Graham has called out Pope Francis for his remarks suggesting that Islamic terrorism is not religiously motivated. Referring to the Pope’s recent remarks that the world is at war but it is not a war of religion, Graham begged to differ, posting […]

Cassini’s coming collision with Saturn

Cassini’s coming collision with Saturn

Aug. 1, 2016 [CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute] What’s behind Saturn? The first answer is the camera itself, perched on the Cassini spacecraft currently orbiting behind the planet with the most grand ring system in our Solar System. The unusual perspective places Cassini on the far side of Saturn from the […]

Dr. Ben Carson goes cosmic: Connects the dots on Hillary Clinton, Lucifer, transgenders

Dr. Ben Carson goes cosmic: Connects the dots on Hillary Clinton, Lucifer, transgenders

 July 20, 2016 Ben Carson’s speech at the Republican National Convention on July 19 generated great interest with the public and the media. Following is the text of his remarks: “I have to start out by saying one very important thing: I’m not politically correct. And I hate political correctness because it’s antithetical to the […]

In the 1960s, God and NASA worked together naturally

In the 1960s, God and NASA worked together naturally

July 15, 2016 The first mission to fly around the moon was Apollo 8 in 1968. … As they successfully went into lunar orbit, astronaut William Anders snapped the famous Earthrise photo that was printed in Life Magazine. As Apollo 8’s three man crew looked down on the earth from 250,000 miles away on Christmas […]

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