For more than a century, Dabiq was one of northern Syria’s forsaken villages, a speck on a vast agricultural plain between the Turkish border and the deserts of Iraq. … That was until the jihadists of Islamic State (Isis) arrived in early 2014, an event that the Dabiq elders had feared from the moment the […]
The government of Turkey is completing a 15-acre, $100 million mega-mosque in Lanham, Maryland. Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan visited the site on May 15 as part of his official visit to the U.S., according to a report by the Clarion Project. The event was also attended by the leaders of two U.S. Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. […]
Canon Andrew White, who was the only Anglican Vicar in Iraq when the Islamic State terrorist organization rose to power in Iraq and Syria, [said] that Muslims, Christians and Jews need to work together to support the persecuted refugee communities in the Middle East and combat extremist ideologies that are causing society to “fall apart.” […]
Special to By Alexander Maistrovoy “France is at war,” President Francois Hollande said after ISIL attack (as if it had not happened before – 9/11, Madrid in 2004, London in 2005, Boston in 2003, Marathon bombing, countless acts of terrorism in Israel, Russia, Kenya, Nigeria, and finally “Charlie Hebdo”). Hollande is awakened from a […]
While President Obama was escorting Pope Francis today, cameras captured the president appearing to wear horns, and from more than one angle. This led to a series of blog posts and tweets. Said Ron Dyer: “But ALL things that are reproved are made visible by the Light…” ~, Ephesians 5 : 13 Sometimes a picture […]
Special to Iran officials have criticized Saudi Arabia’s administration of the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca after a construction crane disaster killed 107 people on Sept. 11. The construction crane fell into the east side of the mosque, with its boom crashing through the roof. The crane belongs to a German crane company operated by […]
If you type “is Pope Francis antichrist” into Google, you’ll get about 425,000 results in .37 seconds. … So why do so many people think—or at least ponder—that the Latin American pontiff is the Antichrist (or at least the end-time False Prophet mentioned in Revelation 19:20)? It could be for some of the same reasons […]
Several Christian villages that were overrun by members of [Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (or Syria) ISIS were recaptured by Kurdish peshmerga forces after a clash in northern Iraq that resulted in the death of a senior commander in the terror group on Tuesday. Reports from the AFP and AINA highlighted the victories. In […]
NY Times Op-ed It was the time of unraveling. Long afterward, in the ruins, people asked: How could it happen? It was a time of beheadings. With a left-handed sawing motion, against a desert backdrop, in bright sunlight, a Muslim with a British accent cut off the heads of two American journalists and a British […] London Imam Anjem Choudary declared, “Sharia will be implemented in America, it’s coming,” and “Sharia is coming to a place near you” while defending the actions of ISIS on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel. Choudary reacted to the murder of journalist James Foley by saying, “If the Americans bomb and murder hundreds […]