China’s ‘reusable’ space plane demonstrates military utility

China’s ‘reusable’ space plane demonstrates military utility

Special to, May 31, 2023 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher On May 8, Chinese state media reported that China’s “reusable spacecraft” had completed its second orbital mission, this time spending 276 days in space. Xinhua also commented, “The complete success of this test marks an important breakthrough in my country’s research on reusable spacecraft technology, […]

NASA announces 3rd space launch vehicle, fosters competition for moon program

NASA announces 3rd space launch vehicle, fosters competition for moon program

Special to, May 23, 2023 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher As long as the nation can afford it, redundancy in spacecraft adds to the assurance that the United States can build a presence on the Moon sufficient to deter predations from the Chinese Communist Party’s hegemonic ambitions to control the Earth-Moon System. So, despite a […]

Satellite data: No global warming for more than 8 years

Satellite data: No global warming for more than 8 years

Special to, May 16, 2023 There has been no increase in global temperatures from July 2015 to March 2023, according to satellite readings, a recent analysis said. “This fact-based claim draws on satellite readings from the University of Alabama in Huntsville that measure temperatures in the troposphere, a much more accurate method of keeping […]

Sharp elbows in geosynchronous orbit for China and the U.S.

Sharp elbows in geosynchronous orbit for China and the U.S.

Special to, May 2, 2023 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher In geosynchronous orbit (GEO) China and the United States are revealing “sharp elbows” or potential combat capabilities that reflect the very high priority both place on war-winning access to low Earth orbit (LEO) and GEO, and just as important, to deny such access to the […]

China’s evolving space station raises specter of manned combat operations

China’s evolving space station raises specter of manned combat operations

Special to, May 9, 2023 Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher China’s Tiangong space station continues to evolve, raising concerns that China’s dual-use civil/military People’s Liberation Army (PLA) controlled space program is covertly developing military capabilities for its space station. On Dec. 6, 2022, the Chinese publication “Spacecraft Engineering” noted that the Chinese space station could […]

Water on the moon found to be locked in glass beads

Water on the moon found to be locked in glass beads

Special to, March 28, 2023 Tiny spherical beads of silicate glass on the moon’s surface, formed when asteroids slammed into the moon and by ancient volcanic activity, contain water, claim researchers. A Chinese Chang’e 5 rover that spent two weeks on the moon in 2020 drilled into the lunar surface and returned 3.7 pounds […]

Micrometeroid puts a tiny dint in one of 18 mirror segments in James Webb Space Telescope

Micrometeroid puts a tiny dint in one of 18 mirror segments in James Webb Space Telescope

Special to, June 9, 2022 NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope was struck by a larger than expected micrometeoroid in late May, slightly damaging one of the spacecraft’s 18 primary mirror segments. NASA said that the telescope is “still performing at a level that exceeds all mission requirements.” The telescope cost NASA nearly $10 billion […]

Why Elon Musk poses an existential threat to the Chinese Communist Party

Why Elon Musk poses an existential threat to the Chinese Communist Party

FPI / May 12, 2022 By Richard Fisher On May 5, China’s People Liberation Army Daily (PLAD), which runs the website China Military Online, published a detailed attack on Elon Musk’s growing Starlink constellation. This follows nearly a year of occasional protests after the now 2,200 satellite constellation threatened China’s new manned space station […]

Cassini’s coming collision with Saturn

Cassini’s coming collision with Saturn

Aug. 1, 2016 [CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute] What’s behind Saturn? The first answer is the camera itself, perched on the Cassini spacecraft currently orbiting behind the planet with the most grand ring system in our Solar System. The unusual perspective places Cassini on the far side of Saturn from the […]

Chinese rocket’s night-time re-entry causes social media frenzy in western U.S.

Chinese rocket’s night-time re-entry causes social media frenzy in western U.S.

A Chinese rocket body streaking across the night sky over the western United States lit up social media as people shared photos and video of the bright object. The Chinese CZ-7 re-entered the atmosphere Wednesday night, U.S. Strategic Command spokeswoman Julie Ziegenhorn confirmed. That’s when people in Nevada, Utah and California took to social media […]