Special to CosmicTribune.com, August 22, 2023
Today’s headline: Just in time: Cases of new Covid ‘variant’ spiking as another round of ‘vaccines’ is introduced
Once in a great while, the headline tells the whole story. But the context of this story is much greater and arguably apocalyptic.
The great Wuhan virus of 2019 may indeed have been a Chinese communist bioweapon. But for many who ignored the lockdowns, masking and vaccines it was no more than a nasty variant of the flu. Millions worldwide died but more from the reaction to the pandemic than from “Covid” itself.
The medical establishment, that was already compromised by “Big Pharma” and Obamacare, became for many an actual mortal threat. Athletes, pilots, students, troops and high profile employees were ordered to take the vaccine or else. But the implications went far beyond medical to the social and political order.
Every “leader” at the community, city, state and national levels were tempted to become dictators wielding unchecked power over the people they previously served for their own good or so it was assumed. The U.S. election system was transformed to allow unchecked mail-in voting and the U.S. postal service was delivering payments for bills late for weeks following the 2020 election.
Was the goal to establish the “New Globalist World Order” by force after first removing the Great Disruptor, the 45th U.S. president? We report, you decide.
This column assumes as hypotheticals the substantial existence of God on Earth and the temporary reign of Satan as the “god of this world”. References: Holy Bible, Divine Principle, What I Saw at the Second Coming.
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