‘They sacrificed to demons their own sons and daughters’

June 12, 2016

36 They served their idols
and were ensnared by them.
37 They sacrificed to demons
their own sons and daughters,


Ritual child sacrifice in Babylon to the god of prosperity. / https://edendecoded.com/blog-2/item/santa-demon
Ritual child sacrifice in Babylon to the god of prosperity. EdenDecoded

38 Shedding innocent blood,
the blood of their own sons and daughters,
Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,
desecrating the land with bloodshed.
39 They defiled themselves by their actions,
became adulterers by their conduct.
40 So the Lord grew angry with his people,
abhorred his own heritage.
41 He handed them over to the nations,
and their adversaries ruled over them.
42 Their enemies oppressed them,
kept them under subjection.
43 Many times did he rescue them,
but they kept rebelling and scheming
and were brought low by their own guilt.
44 Still God had regard for their affliction
when he heard their wailing.
45 For their sake he remembered his covenant
and relented in his abundant mercy,
46 Winning for them compassion
from all who held them captive.

  • Psalms 106: 36-46

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