As old soldiers fade away, here come robots that ‘perform more ethically’

As old soldiers fade away, here come robots that ‘perform more ethically’

The Office of Naval Research will award $7.5 million in grant money over five years to university researchers from Tufts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Brown, Yale and Georgetown to explore how to build a sense of right and wrong and moral consequence into autonomous robotic systems. “Even though today’s unmanned systems are ‘dumb’ in comparison to […]

If world is down with bearded drag queen’s Eurovision win, Russia isn’t

If world is down with bearded drag queen’s Eurovision win, Russia isn’t

[Drag Queen] Conchita Wurst’s Eurovision win has been branded “the end of Europe” by Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. … Elsewhere, President Vladimir Putin’s vice premier Dmitry Rogozin issued a scathing tweet claiming the Eurovision result “showed supporters of European integration their European future – a bearded girl”. … Her selection had already proved controversial, with […]

Hip Pope Francis on old fashioned notion: ‘Look out because the Devil is present’

Hip Pope Francis on old fashioned notion: ‘Look out because the Devil is present’

VATICAN CITY — A darling of liberal Catholics and an advocate of inclusion and forgiveness, Pope Francis is hardly known for fire and brimstone. Yet, in his words and deeds, the new pope is locked in an epic battle with the oldest enemy of God and creation: The Devil. … “ ‘But Father, how old-fashioned you […]

Exorcists wanted: Conference says decline in faith has ‘opened the window’ to Satanic forces

Exorcists wanted: Conference says decline in faith has ‘opened the window’ to Satanic forces

The decline of religious belief in the West and the growth of secularism has “opened the window” to black magic, Satanism and belief in the occult, the organisers of a conference on exorcism have said. The six-day meeting in Rome aims to train about 200 Roman Catholic priests from more than 30 countries in how […]

Report finds administration failed to confront persecution of Christians

Report finds administration failed to confront persecution of Christians

A new report from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan group, asserts that the Obama administration is turning a blind eye to persecution of Christians by Muslims in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, as well as persecution of Christians in North Korea. … The worst 16 countries that violated religious freedom […]

Teacher gives fifth grader a commandment: Thou shalt not read the Bible

Teacher gives fifth grader a commandment: Thou shalt not read the Bible

Officials at Broward County Public Schools banned a fifth grader from reading the Bible during “free reading” time, according to lawyers from the Liberty Institute who are threatening to sue the school for violating the First Amendment. Giovanni Rubeo is a fifth-grade student at the school, who had been given a Bible at church as […]

Messier 91 galaxy, missing since 1781, was found by amateur astronomer in 1969

Messier 91 galaxy, missing  since 1781, was found by amateur astronomer in 1969

Barred spiral galaxy Messier 91 (M91) lies in the constellation of constellation of Coma Berenices. The galaxy’s bar stands out quite noticeably. The galaxy represents the faintest object in Charles Messier’s catalog, and he discovered it in 1781. Notably, a rare error by Messier caused the galaxy to go “missing” for centuries, until amateur astronomer […]

‘As it was in the days of Noah’: Author sees parallels to ‘pandemic godlessness’ of that time

‘As it was in the days of Noah’: Author sees parallels to ‘pandemic godlessness’ of that time

Is mankind evolving into a more peaceful and prosperous people – or are we on a path toward ever-increasing moral depravity, social chaos and destruction? Answering that dichotomy depends on one’s worldview, but Christian author Jeff Kinley is in the latter camp, telling TheBlaze that he sees human beings continuously and perilously cutting God out […]

Behavior of movie-goers between L.A. and NYC stuns Hollywood

Behavior of movie-goers between L.A. and NYC stuns Hollywood

God-based movies are thriving at the box office because “people are looking for real hope and real change,”  [Kevin Sorbo told Glenn Beck Thursday]. “Hollywood just thinks it’s New York and L.A., that’s all that exists,” he said.“There are a bunch of states in between with a lot of people that have good morals, strong […]

Uri Geller asked to use ‘remote viewing’ to locate missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

Uri Geller asked to use ‘remote viewing’ to locate missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

Uri Geller revealed that he has been approached by a “substantial figure” to help in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft. Flight MH370 disappeared without trace on March 8 with 239 people on board. The spoon bending psychic has been asked to use his powers to explain what happened to the aircraft. Geller, […]