NASA scientist: Tiny aliens of the non-carbon-based kind may have already visited Earth

NASA scientist: Tiny aliens of the non-carbon-based kind may have already visited Earth

Special to It’s possible that extraterrestrials have already visited Earth and humans never even noticed, a NASA scientist said. “The size of the ‘explorer’ might be that of an extremely tiny super-intelligent entity,” Professor Silvano P. Colombano of NASA’s Ames Research Center in California wrote in a recently published paper on SETI (search for […]

Why does FBI care about solar hurricanes? Observatories closed worldwide for unspecified reasons

Why does FBI care about solar hurricanes? Observatories closed worldwide for unspecified reasons

Special to At the same time Hurricane Florence was bearing down on the east coast of the U.S. and a massive hole opened in the Sun’s corona, at least seven solar observatories/space webcams shut down worldwide, reports say. The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico shut down on Sept. 6 and has not […]

Early astronomers: ‘Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe’

Early astronomers: ‘Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe’

Special to By Bill Federer, Aug. 25, 2018 The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), made a major contribution to the scientific revolution by discovering that the planets revolved, not around the Earth, but around the Sun. Copernicus, who had a doctorate in cannon (church) law, wrote: “The Universe, wrought for us by a supremely […]

A partial survey of not-so-shining Hollywood stars

A partial survey of not-so-shining Hollywood stars

Special to By Larry Elder During the 2016 presidential campaign, a man dressed like a construction worker, carrying a pickax, destroyed Donald Trump’s sidewalk star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce promptly replaced it. Just three weeks ago, a different man, presumably with a different pickax, also destroyed Trump’s […]

Two trillion dollar stories: What if there had been no Steve Jobs?

Two trillion dollar stories: What if there had been no Steve Jobs?

By Star Parker Apple has become the first U.S. company in history to attain a trillion-dollar valuation. Here are a few thoughts about the relevance of this to our country today. The story of Apple is the story of Steve Jobs. He co-founded the company in 1976 at the age 21, was fired from this […]

Get right with God while there’s still time

Get right with God while there’s still time

Back in the ’50s, billboards down South advised to “Get right with God.” The naked appeal of some forms of Christianity then was based on the same “fear and greed” mantra for successful marketing which has now replaced the Bible as the rulebook for being. By Here Now for Some baby boomers took offense […]

Donny Deutsch, Michael Hayden and the moral collapse of American Jewish institutions

Donny Deutsch, Michael Hayden and the moral collapse of American Jewish institutions

Dennis Prager Last week, on the MSNBC TV show “Morning Joe,” MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch said that every American who votes for President Donald Trump is a Nazi. His exact words: “If you vote for Trump, then you, the voter — you, not Donald Trump — are standing at the border like Nazis going, ‘You […]

There she goes, Miss America . . . The Left’s rampage continues

There she goes, Miss America . . . The Left’s rampage continues

Special to Dennis Prager As I have documented repeatedly, the Left ruins just about everything it touches: the universities, the arts, the elementary schools and high schools, religion, sports and ordinary, everyday interactions between human beings — especially human beings of different races. The latest examples — in just the last few weeks — […]