A 1967 solar flare led NORAD to conclude its early-warning radars were being jammed by the Soviet Union

A 1967 solar flare led NORAD to conclude its early-warning radars were being jammed by the Soviet Union

On May 23, 1967, … all three of the United States’ ballistic missile early-warning radars became simultaneously jammed. Located in the high-latitude areas of Alaska, Greenland, and the United Kingdom, these radars were designed to detect incoming Soviet missiles, and any attack or disruption of these radars were considered to be an act of war. […]

Rights lawyer on U.S. ‘indifference’ to plight of Mideast Christians: Doesn’t want to look like ‘crusader army’

Rights lawyer on U.S. ‘indifference’ to plight of Mideast Christians: Doesn’t want to look like ‘crusader army’

July 11,2016 SILVER SPRING, Maryland – The United States government is afraid to work directly with persecuted Iraqi and Syrian Christians because it doesn’t want America to look like a “crusader army,” prominent human rights lawyer and religious freedom advocate Nina Shea said Friday. … Shea, the director of the Washington-based Hudson Institute’s Center for […]

Cannibalism, sexual perversions, animal abuse: The descent of Middle Eastern Islam into a primeval abyss

Cannibalism, sexual perversions, animal abuse: The descent of Middle Eastern Islam into a primeval abyss

The Islamic world of the Middle East is sinking into the gloomy and forgotten past: the Bronze Age, the world of slavery, human sacrifice, pedophilia, sexual sacred traditions, beliefs in conspiracies and now the most terrible — ritual cannibalism Special from WorldTribune.com By Alexander Maistrovoy In the 90s, when working on an article about homeless […]

Guarding the ‘Unknowns’ 24/7, ‘no matter the weather’, honors ‘real sacrifices

Guarding the ‘Unknowns’ 24/7, ‘no matter the weather’, honors ‘real sacrifices

May 29, 2016 Producers of the documentary “The Unknowns,” which releases on Memorial Day, have given us a reminder that the national holiday is not just another day off. “Memorial Day comes around every year, and unless you know someone who was killed fighting for our country it becomes just a nice day off,” producer […]

Rise of ‘idiocracy’: It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times

Rise of ‘idiocracy’: It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager As of tonight, we may know if Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential candidate. And, barring unforeseeable events, it is certain that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Those are two reasons — of many, unfortunately — why, other than the first years of the Civil War, when […]

Ghost ships from North Korea carry few clues other than corpses

Ghost ships from North Korea carry few clues other than corpses

Sizuo Kakutani sees no great mystery in the things that wash ashore in Monzen, his quiet fishing village on the Sea of Japan — the fishing boats ravaged by fierce winter storms, the Chinese garbage carried to land by the strong winds …. The ghost ships, however, are harder to explain. On an early morning […]

Mega-churches are so yesterday; Check out this Turkey-financed mega-mosque in Maryland

Mega-churches are so yesterday; Check out this Turkey-financed mega-mosque in Maryland

The government of Turkey is completing a 15-acre, $100 million mega-mosque in Lanham, Maryland. Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan visited the site on May 15 as part of his official visit to the U.S., according to a report by the Clarion Project. The event was also attended by the leaders of two U.S. Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. […]

Christian fighters from throughout Syria arrive to defend Biblical town from ISIL

Christian fighters from throughout Syria arrive to defend Biblical town from ISIL

Hundreds of Christian fighters from across Syria have united to defend a biblical Syrian Christian town from being conquered by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant terrorist organization, the head of the Syriac Orthodox church has said. As ISIL militants continue to push west toward the Syrian capital of Damascus, they began an offensive […]

God’s promise after the flood and a Sept. 10, 2015 photo

God’s promise after the flood and a Sept. 10, 2015 photo

Photos showing a rainbow appearing to originate from the World Trade Center on the eve of Sept. 11 are quickly being shared online as they elicit emotional responses from admirers [and call to mind God’s promise after the flood not to destroy humanity ever again, Genesis 9:11]. Ben Sturner, CEO of sports marketing company Leverage […]

Slovakia draws the lines on immigrants: Christians welcome, Muslims aren’t

Slovakia draws the lines on immigrants: Christians welcome, Muslims aren’t

The government of Slovakia has said it will take in struggling migrants from Syria and other countries under a European Union scheme to share the burden of 40,000 new arrivals to the continent, but stipulated it will only be taking Christians, and not Muslims. “We want to help Europe with the migration issue. We could […]