‘Big Whites’ patrolling Shanghai: What is ‘zero-COVID’ all about?

‘Big Whites’ patrolling Shanghai: What is ‘zero-COVID’ all about?

Special to CosmicTribune.com, April 15, 2022 This is what Covid lockdown looks like in a communist nation that some American leftists aspire to emulate. What’s really going on there is anyone’s guess. An army of security forces in hazmat suits, known to residents as “Big Whites”, patrol the streets of Shanghai and hunt down anyone […]

Data on hydroxychloroquine effectiveness was hiding in plain sight

Data on hydroxychloroquine effectiveness was hiding in plain sight

FPI / September 22, 2020 Analysis by R. Clinton Ohlers During the past several weeks, major studies have claimed the drug hydroxychloroquine had no effect on COVID-19 patients. Some even claimed it was harmful. However, major studies out of New York, Spain, Switzerland, Michigan, Belgium and elsewhere have provided compelling evidence that the drug, particularly […]

The Jacob Blake story the media misssed

The Jacob Blake story the media misssed

Special to CosmicTribune.com Commentary by R. Clinton Ohlers Perhaps the single most surprising outcome of the Jacob Blake shooting has been the response by his mother, Julia Jackson and her pastor James E. Ward, Jr. What was remarkable about Ms. Jackson was that although enduring a heartbreaking family crisis, she found words to help heal […]

President Trump at Easter asks ‘all Americans to pray that God will heal our nation’

President Trump at Easter asks ‘all Americans to pray that God will heal our nation’

FPI / April 12, 2020 In his Easter message Friday, President Donald Trump urged Americans to “focus on prayer, reflection, and growing in our personal relationship with God” during “this sacred time”. “On this Good Friday, Christians from all around the world remember the suffering and death upon the cross of our Lord and Savior, […]

Two trillion dollar stories: What if there had been no Steve Jobs?

Two trillion dollar stories: What if there had been no Steve Jobs?

By Star Parker Apple has become the first U.S. company in history to attain a trillion-dollar valuation. Here are a few thoughts about the relevance of this to our country today. The story of Apple is the story of Steve Jobs. He co-founded the company in 1976 at the age 21, was fired from this […]

A father’s open letter to teens charged with starting the Gatlinburg fire: ‘I sat in silence for a long time . . .’

A father’s open letter to teens charged with starting the Gatlinburg fire: ‘I sat in silence for a long time . . .’

December 27, 2016 As WKRN reports: A man whose wife and two daughters were killed in the Gatlinburg fire late last month wrote an open letter to the two juveniles accused of starting the fire – forgiving them. Michael Reed’s wife Constance and daughters Chloe and Lily were identified as among the 14 people killed […]

‘Mindfulness’ seen as alternative treatment for depression

‘Mindfulness’ seen as alternative treatment for depression

Therapy based on the controversial concept of ‘mindfulness’ works as well as some anti-depressant drugs, according to a major new study. Inspired in part by Buddhist philosophy, mindfulness involves training the brain to deal with negative emotions using techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and yoga. Some critics have claimed mindfulness techniques can bring on […]

Dr. Brantley, infected with Ebola virus in Liberia, discharged: ‘God saved my life’

Dr. Brantley, infected with Ebola virus in Liberia, discharged: ‘God saved my life’

ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta/AP) — After nearly three weeks of treatment, the two American aid workers who were infected with the deadly Ebola virus in Africa have been discharged from an Atlanta hospital, officials said Thursday. Their release poses no public health risk, Dr. Bruce Ribner of Emory University Hospital stressed. Dr. Kent Brantly, 33, and […]