Is the logical extension of individualism American ‘transhumanism’?

Is the logical extension of individualism American ‘transhumanism’?

Special to, May 2, 2024 The progression of unguided American liberalism or “liberation from collective identity” is set to destroy “human identity,” Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin told Tucker Carlson on April 29. Dugin said that the progress of the LGBTQ movement was “a necessary element of implementation and the victory of this liberal ideology. […]

Who you gonna call to keep your children safe?

Who you gonna call to keep your children safe?

Special to, April 22, 2024 COSMIC VIEW Today’s headlines: CBS asked Alejandro Mayorkas to explain how ‘to keep your children safe?’ and PA student charges school ignored her warning of trans student’s hit list How to keep children and grandchildren safe in 2024 is a much different challenge now than what most would have thought […]

Welcome to the ethics-free, brave new world of medicine

Welcome to the ethics-free, brave new world of medicine

Special to, April 18, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55 If you think today’s Big Pharma-controlled establishment doctors are a problem, consider for a moment what is bound to follow in our ethics-free medical Brave New World. Physicians in recent decades have shrugged off the Hippocratic Oath (do no harm) with the ease of […]

Warning from Europe: In the eyes of global elite ruling class, ‘everything must change’

Warning from Europe: In the eyes of global elite ruling class, ‘everything must change’

Special to, April 15, 2024 Across Europe in recent month, massive numbers of farmers have been protesting about high taxes, climate alarmism, and cheap imported goods, among other things. But Dutch Member of European Parliament Rob Roos, in an interview with The Highwire, said the larger picture shows that the incredibly disconnected global elite […]

‘You cannot cure [child] predators’; Bill would set death penalty for pedophilia

‘You cannot cure [child] predators’; Bill would set death penalty for pedophilia

Special to, April 12, 2024 Because “you can’t rehabilitate a child predator,” Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna said she is introducing legislation to increase the minimum penalty for child sexual abusers to life in prison or the death penalty. “One of my big platforms has been: how do you combat child trafficking, just […]

Senator: Fauci lab partnered with Wuhan Institute of Virology to create a coronavirus in 2018

Senator: Fauci lab partnered with Wuhan Institute of Virology to create a coronavirus in 2018

Special to, April 10, 2024 Officials from 15 U.S. federal agencies were aware that, in 2018, “the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19,” Sen. Rand Paul wrote in a April 9 op-ed. Although they knew the Chinese lab was proposing to create a Covid-like virus, not one of […]

Study of vaxxed 15-44 year olds in UK finds surge in ‘turbo cancers’

Study of vaxxed 15-44 year olds in UK finds surge in ‘turbo cancers’

Special to, March 22, 2024 Teenagers and individuals in their 20s, 30s, and 40s in the UK are dying from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers at an unprecedented rate since the mass Covid vaccination rollout, according to a new study by data analyst Edward Dowd. In the last three years, doctors have been reporting […]

State of the nation? The gods of America are on drugs

State of the nation? The gods of America are on drugs

Special to, March 15, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55 Two of America’s biggest bread-and-circus extravaganzas – politics and professional and big-time college sports – are more transparently phony and more utterly bizarre than ever. What does this say about us as a people? News item: Installed President Joe Biden is suspected of being doped […]

Bishop of Tucson appears to align with the earthly ruling class on all fronts in the spiritual war

Bishop of Tucson appears to align with the earthly ruling class on all fronts in the spiritual war

Special to, March 1, 2024 Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55 “The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” – St. Athanasius, Council of Nicea, 325 AD. That spirited quote can be applied to all those who are elevated to positions of great importance. People who by their duties of high office […]