Christians who esaped ISIL hell in Iraq jailed as illegal aliens in California

Christians who esaped ISIL hell in Iraq jailed as illegal aliens in California

A Middle Eastern Christian community has demanded that immigration officials release 20 Iraqi Christian refugees being held at a detention center in California. … “It is important to understand that the State Department ended all processing for religious minorities out of Iraq, so there is no legal way for an individual to come from Iraq […]

Last men on the moon

Last men on the moon

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION, Apollo 17 Crew, NASA] On the Moon, it is easy to remember where you parked. In December of 1972, Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent about 75 hours on the Moon in the Taurus-Littrow valley, while colleague Ronald Evans orbited overhead. This sharp image was taken […]

Researcher: Planned Parenthood sale of aborted body parts has been going on for 20 years

Researcher: Planned Parenthood sale of aborted body parts has been going on for 20 years

An undercover investigation uncovered Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts from aborted babies 20 years ago. . . . It’s at least 20 years this has been going on,” says Mark Crutcher, founder of Life Dynamics. His investigation primarily studied “Comp Health,” an abortion clinic run by Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, Kansas, along with […]

The amazing Sombrero Galaxy’s glowing central core

The amazing Sombrero Galaxy’s glowing central core

[CLICK ON IMAGE FOR HIS RESOLUTION, Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI /NASA)] Why does the Sombrero Galaxy look like a hat? Reasons include the Sombrero’s unusually large and extended central bulge of stars, and dark prominent dust lanes that appear in a disk that we see nearly edge-on. Billions of old stars cause the diffuse glow […]

Pope Francis: Antichrist or just working to prevent the ultimate religious war?

Pope Francis: Antichrist or just working to prevent the ultimate religious war?

If you type “is Pope Francis antichrist” into Google, you’ll get about 425,000 results in .37 seconds. … So why do so many people think—or at least ponder—that the Latin American pontiff is the Antichrist (or at least the end-time False Prophet mentioned in Revelation 19:20)? It could be for some of the same reasons […]

Mormon church, which sponsors most scout units, rethinking its affiliation with Boy Scouts of America

Mormon church, which sponsors most scout units, rethinking its affiliation with Boy Scouts of America

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has said it will be re-evaluating its long-standing participation in the Boy Scouts of America, following the latter’s decision to end its blanket ban on openly gay adult leaders. “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is deeply troubled by today’s vote by the Boy Scouts […]

Scientists awed by surface detail from Pluto images: Flowing glaciers, ‘Hillary’ mountains

Scientists awed by surface detail from Pluto images: Flowing glaciers, ‘Hillary’ mountains

In its final farewell to Pluto, New Horizons … [sent] an image of exotic ice across the dwarf planet’s surface, revealing signs of recent geologic activity — something scientists hoped to find but didn’t expect. ‘We’ve only seen surfaces like this on active worlds like Earth and Mars,’ said mission co-investigator John Spencer of SwRI. […]

Fewer people believe in God and almost no one really believes in Satan . . . except the Pope

Fewer people believe in God and almost no one really believes in Satan . . . except the Pope

Pope Francis seems to be obsessed with the devil. His tweets and homilies about the devil, Satan, the Accuser, the Evil One, the Father of Lies, the Ancient Serpent, the Tempter, the Seducer, the Great Dragon, the Enemy and just plain “demon” are now legion. Many modern people may greet the Pope’s insistence on the […]

Trump: I’m a Christian but haven’t sought forgiveness; Yes, the U.S. ‘absolutely’ has a Muslim problem

Trump: I’m a Christian but haven’t sought forgiveness; Yes, the U.S. ‘absolutely’ has a Muslim problem

[Donald Trump says he’s not sure if he’s asked God for forgiveness, at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa on Saturday, which led some to question the sincerity of his alleged Christian faith.] Below are six facts about Donald Trump and his professed Christian faith.   1. Speaking to CBN News in May, Donald […]

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