Special to CosmicTribune.com, March 22, 2023 As more agencies finally admit that Covid likely originated in a Wuhan, China laboratory, former President Donald Trump said its time for “China and the corrupt forces who facilitated this colossal suppression of facts” to be held accountable. In a new 2024 campaign video, Trump said the “damage” China […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com, September 23, 2022 The canary in the coal mine for the historic drop in life expectancy since the rollout of Covid vaccines includes the several hundred athletes dropping dead despite 80% having no symptoms or family history of heart disease, an American physician said. “The historic life expectancy drop can no longer […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com He might still be more powerful than a locomotive and be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but the new woke Superman will no longer fight for “truth, justice, and the American Way”. The Man of Steel’s new motto is “truth, justice, and a better tomorrow.” Much to the […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com Analysis by R. Clinton Ohlers Christian motivational speaker Nick Vujicic sounded the alarm on the new corporate practice known as Environmental, Social and Governance considerations (ESG) after his bank account was frozen and he was removed as a customer over his religious and political views. In response, he is starting his own […]
Commentary by Joshua R. Farris Now that Trump is on the rally trail again, it’s time to consider the case a free press would have made, but didn’t because the mainstream media is no longer constrained by truth but rather the interests of a select few. It’s no surprise to anyone that Trump’s largest block […]
Commentary by Joshua R. Farris If you’re a purveyor of recent neuroscience discussions, then you might think that consciousness is just a set of neurons firing in the brain. Nothing more. No soul or spirit behind it. Philosopher Matthew Owen takes this question head-on in his new book Measuring the Immeasurable Mind. In it he […]
Commentary by Joshua R. Farris Another media outlet has become a pawn in larger healthcare control. This time it’s Evangelical’s largest news source, Christianity Today. Christianity Today’s coercive measures are directed at those naughty hesitators. Is it becoming less an outlet for news and culture and increasingly a propaganda platform for religious manipulation and theological abuse? […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com ‘And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.’ — Jonah 2:10 Was Jonah literally swallowed by a whale when fleeing God’s command that he warn the city of Ninevah of its impending doom? Or was it a metaphor or narrative? The question has been debated in several […]
Special to CosmicTribune.com By R. Clinton Ohlers New research is overturning longstanding assumptions about successful families, and doing so with a unexpected twist. Families who participate in church communities have on average both more children and more positive outcomes. Researchers believe they now also know why. Social scientists have long treated family size as a […]
Commentary by R. Clinton Ohlers Representative democracy, founded on inalienable rights bestowed by the Creator, was the foundation on which New England colonists governed their churches and in turn governed their communities. The Mayflower Compact is a leading example. By 1763 every single right later enumerated in the Declaration of Independence had already been discussed […]