Is a silent God speaking through the weather?

Is a silent God speaking through the weather?

by WorldTribune Staff, September 19, 2017 “With four big hurricanes, a powerful earthquake and wildfires, it seems that nature recently has just gone nuts,” an AP writer surmised. There can be no denying that the late-August, early-September series of natural disasters have riveted a nation’s attention, even distracting attention from the crisis in North Korea. […]

Brazilian exorcists under investigation for engaging with Satan: ‘The Vatican? It’s mine, mine!’

Brazilian exorcists under investigation for engaging with Satan: ‘The Vatican? It’s mine, mine!’

June 19, 2017 Plinio Correa de Oliveira, founder of the very conservative Tradition, Family and Property Association, known in Catholic circles as the TFP is said to have, in death, continued to do battle with evil on Earth. In the early 1960s, he came to Rome to protest the opening of the Second Vatican Council, […]

In 2011 prophecy, God was said to have ‘annointed’ Donald Trump

In 2011 prophecy, God was said to have ‘annointed’ Donald Trump

November 20, 2016 In April 2011 . . . retired Florida firefighter Mark Taylor received a word from the Lord about the future of America. In that powerful prophecy, God said Donald Trump had been chosen to lead the United States of America to “bring honor, respect and restoration.” Five years later, he shared that […]

Graham warns America going way of Babylonian empire (now Iraq)

Graham warns America going way of Babylonian empire (now Iraq)

Evangelical preacher the Rev. Franklin Graham has warned that much like the decline of the Babylonian empire close to 2,500 years ago, America may also be staring down at its end, unless it turns back to God. … He noted that 2,500 year ago, present day Iraq was known as the Babylonian empire, and boasted […]

Apocalypse watch: The countdown to Sept. 28 has begun

Apocalypse watch: The countdown to Sept. 28 has begun

With the “blood moon” or total lunar eclipse expected to occur on Sept 28, the debate if the apocalyptic predictions that it is the end of the world would happen is once more resurrected barely three years after the Mayan calendar did. On one hand, NASA had issued a statement that the blood moon would […]

Pope Francis: Antichrist or just working to prevent the ultimate religious war?

Pope Francis: Antichrist or just working to prevent the ultimate religious war?

If you type “is Pope Francis antichrist” into Google, you’ll get about 425,000 results in .37 seconds. … So why do so many people think—or at least ponder—that the Latin American pontiff is the Antichrist (or at least the end-time False Prophet mentioned in Revelation 19:20)? It could be for some of the same reasons […]

Graham: ‘The storm is coming’

Graham: ‘The storm is coming’

The Islamic State beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians over the weekend, propping the severed heads on the victims’ backs, a barbaric slaughter that led Reverend Franklin Graham to ask, “Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians?” “Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world?” he asked. … […]

Pastor Hagee sees ‘supernatural’ signs of major change in Mideast

Pastor Hagee sees ‘supernatural’ signs of major change in Mideast

SAN ANTONIO — The Book of Genesis says God uses the sun, moon, and stars for signs and seasons. Examples can be found throughout the Bible. … According to Pastor John Hagee, God is getting ready to speak this way once again. “There’s a sense in the world that things are changing and God is trying […]

Not sacred: Jonah’s tomb, Shi’ite shrines obliterated by ISIS

Not sacred: Jonah’s tomb, Shi’ite shrines obliterated by ISIS

ISIS militants took sledgehammers to Iraqi tombstones – smashing them to pieces. The rebels, who are members of the Islamic State terror group, were filmed attacking centuries-old graves in the north-west city of Mosul in Ninevah province. Donning balaclavas and black coats, they swung sledgehammers into the tombs, causing pieces of dust and stone to […]